Why Are Apples So Healthy?

It has also been scientifically proven that the daily apple has many health benefits. Today we want to remind you of the importance of eating apples regularly! 

Why are apples so healthy?

Apples are considered to be one of the healthiest and most nutritious fruits and there are many different varieties, all of which are delicious.

You can use it to prepare salads, cakes, desserts and many other recipes. It is also a local type of fruit that can be stored for a long time.

It has also been scientifically proven that the daily apple has many health benefits. Today we want to remind you of the importance of eating apples  regularly  !

1. Apples improve brain health

Apples and brain health

The apple peel is characterized by an abundance of quercetin. This powerful antioxidant protects the nerve cells in the brain from free radicals.

One apple a day can therefore  protect memory and prevent neurological damage.

2. They have a cancer preventive effect

As already mentioned, the valuable antioxidants in apples (for example catechins and quercetins) inhibit free radicals that can cause cancer .

The active ingredients in the apple peel could play an important role in preventing liver, colon or breast cancer.

3. Healthy arteries

Apples contain pectin, a fiber that reduces harmful LDL cholesterol, which can lead to hardening of the arteries.

The antioxidants it contains also protect the cardiovascular system, as they prevent fat deposits on the arterial walls.

4. Prevention of type II diabetes

Apples for diabetes

A person who eats an apple a day is less likely to develop type II diabetes.

Pectin helps regulate blood sugar levels by eliminating sugar and heavy metals such as mercury and lead.

5. Lower risk of stroke

The nutrients and antioxidants in the apple could reduce the risk of jaundice.

This was proven by a study by the University of Wageningen (Netherlands). It was found that consuming a lot of apples and white fruits and vegetables reduces the risk of stroke.

6. Regulation of bowel functions

An apple contains around 5 g of fiber. These are essential for regulating bowel functions and preventing diverticulitis or hemorrhoids.

It sounds contradicting itself, but the apple helps  with constipation and diarrhea at the same time. The classic apple is also very beneficial for colitis.

7. Ideal for losing weight

Apples for weight loss

It has not yet been scientifically proven that apples are natural fat burners. But they can help you lose weight because they improve digestion. In addition, they are low in calories and have a very filling effect due to the high fiber content. 

8. Apples improve sleep

Thanks to the phosphorus content, apples have a slightly calming effect. For insomnia, an apple is recommended before going to bed.

Phosphorus also strengthens memory and prevents brain damage.

9. Apples protect teeth

It is not without reason that the apple is considered a natural toothbrush, as it has the property of brushing our teeth and reducing caries-causing bacteria in the mouth.

An apple is inadequate in terms of complete oral hygiene, but it can help in emergencies if we forget the toothbrush or floss.

10. Good for the bones

Calcium isn’t the only mineral our bones need. Apples also provide boron, which is also very important.

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