When Is The Ideal Time Of Day To Eat Certain Foods?

There is an ideal time of day to eat certain foods. For example, since your body doesn’t burn nutrients overnight, it’s a good idea to have a light dinner relatively early.

When is the ideal time of day to eat certain foods?

Gaining and losing weight isn’t so much about what you eat, but when you eat. After all, there is an  ideal time of day to consume certain foods.

In this article you will find some recommendations about the ideal time of day to consume certain foods.

5 meals a day

The days when it was taught that you should eat three meals a day are officially a thing of the past. Nowadays all experts agree that you should eat at least five meals a day.

This includes traditional breakfast, lunch, dinner, and two snacks between meals.

This is complemented by another, traditionally rooted concept in the medical field. It is advised that there should never be more than three hours between one meal and the next.

Weight problems could arise if this basic rule is not followed. The reason for this is that after a certain time your body needs more energy and builds up reserves if it does not receive it.

As a result, your metabolism will slow down and you will no longer burn calories well.

Breakfast: the most important meal of the day

Ideal time of day to eat breakfast.

The first meal of the day has to provide you with all of the energy you used up while sleeping. From this point on, your body will be prepared for physical and mental work.

Experts recommend not to skip a meal. As for breakfast, it is of the utmost importance. You need to start the day with all of the essential nutrients.

It is said that the healthiest breakfast is made up of dairy products, fruits, and grains. However, this is not a fixed rule.

The ideal time for breakfast is as early as possible, but never after 10 a.m.

Ideal time for lunch

Experts believe that the best time to eat the “third” (rather than the “second”) meal of the day is between 1 and 3 pm.

Consuming high-calorie dishes after 3 p.m. is particularly counterproductive. After this time of day, your digestive system becomes less efficient, so you can gain weight easily.

Prepare for bed in the evening

The ideal time of day to prepare for sleep.

Breakfast should be rich, with the aim of starting the working day with enough energy. However, your dinner should be a lot lighter than any other meal of the day.

It is healthier to have dinner relatively early. In addition, it is recommended to eat fish or lean meat with dairy products (if you do not have stomach problems).

You should definitely not eat after 10 p.m. because that will make you gain weight. Plus, this habit could also lead to  nightmares and trouble falling asleep.

About sweets, fruit, coffee and snacks

Desserts are usually the focus when talking about diets, losing weight or being overweight. Some think they have to delete them completely in order not to be tempted in the first place.

However, there are also less radical options. You can eat sweet things in moderation, but never after the three main meals. 

The ideal time for a small pastry is in the morning, because the body can process carbohydrates better at this time. 

You can also treat yourself to a little something before physical activity to supply your organism with energy.

Dietitians recommend having a piece of fruit before you eat instead of sweets. This is a good way to satisfy your hunger pangs.

Drink enough water!

Ideal time of day to stay hydrated.

There is no healthy diet without enough water.

Experts advise:

  • Two glasses of water after getting up to cleanse your body.
  • A glass of water half an hour before main meals, another before showering and before going to bed

    In total, you should drink between 1.5 and 2 liters of water a day.

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