What Weakens And Destroys Our Immune System?

Many foods that are consumed through the daily diet can weaken the immune system.

What weakens and destroys our immune system?

Our  immune system  is important because a weakening can lead to a wide variety of diseases. But how does it come about?

In this post you will learn interesting facts about our  immune system and how you can take care of it. 

What is the immune system?

The immune system is a natural protective mechanism of the body, whose job it is to prevent the penetration of pathogens.

You can compare this defense system to a security service in a building, which then does not let certain people in. Without the immune system, we would not be able to survive, as there would be no protection against pollutants, viruses, bacteria and fungi.

If the pathogens still manage to penetrate the body, a healthy immune system prevents these foreign bodies from spreading in the organism.

By neutralizing and eliminating the harmful microorganisms, we are protected from inflammation.

immune system

What happens when the immune system is weakened?

In this case, as is well known, the risk of illnesses or infections increases, this is the case, for example, in HIV patients, for whom a harmless runny nose can be fatal. A weakened or disturbed immune system cannot adequately protect against diseases.

The resistance to harmful microorganisms is weakened,  the consequences can be chronic or protracted illnesses, long recovery times and increased relapses.

This can not only lead to flu, runny nose or colds, urinary tract infections, kidney or liver diseases, osteoarthritis, HPV (human papiloma virus), arthritis, skin problems, fungal infections, etc. can also be the consequences of a weakened immune system.

Immune system bacteria

How does a weakened immune system come about?

The causes of weakened immune systems can be divided into 3 groups, diet, emotions and lifestyle:


We are what we eat is, that’s a fact. Many foods that are consumed through the daily diet can weaken the immune system. These include the following:

  • Refined flour,
  • processed and sugared cereals,
  • Cow’s milk,
  • Additives, preservatives and colorings,
  • refined sugar,
  • commercial soft drinks,
  • Sweets,
  • Canned goods, confectionery, ready-made meals, etc.

If you get sick often, it is possible that you consume excess foods.


Above all, stress but also anxiety and nervousness are emotions that weaken the immune system. The consequences of this are illnesses, tiredness, excessive demands and even more stress, nervousness and worries.

In this situation, the body often “demands” foods that further aggravate the problem. Because when we are depressed, we usually don’t crave orange juice, but rather potato chips or chocolate.

It is then important to learn stress management techniques and to take time to relax. With the right mindset, difficult times in life can be managed more easily.

Immune system illustration


Sedentariness is the cause of many clinical pictures. We are not only talking about obesity or high cholesterol levels, lack of exercise can have serious consequences. You should therefore not forget to exercise enough.

If you sit at your desk for a long time, get up often and take short breaks. You should also exercise at least 2 hours a week! Take your time, it’s worth it.

You don’t necessarily have to go to the fitness center, you can also get your body moving  at home with an exercise bike, by climbing stairs and in the fresh air by running or walking  .

How can the immune system be strengthened naturally?

Pay attention to healthy lifestyle habits, the following tips can be helpful:

Eat healthy

Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts and legumes should not be missing in your diet. Don’t forget to drink at least 2 liters of water a day.

Start with mindful shopping and fill your pantry with healthy foods: you won’t have to resist temptation.

Restful sleep

A good night’s sleep is essential to strengthen your immune system. Not everyone needs the same amount of sleep, the average is around 7 hours (normal is between 6 and 8 hours).

During sleep, the body draws new energy and the immune system is strengthened. 

Use the daylight

If your workplace is in the city center, take your lunch break outside, in a nearby park, and enjoy the daylight. Sit by a large window and let fresh air into the room. Try to use artificial lighting only when it is really necessary.

Optimistic outlook on life


Laughter is one of the best therapies. Laughter therapy is particularly suitable for patients with incurable or chronic illnesses in order to improve their quality of life.

A good mood works against all suffering and keeps depression, stress, nervousness, anxiety and other complaints away.

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