What To Do With Leg Cramps?

With calf cramps, it is important to gently stretch the area. You should also avoid touching the muscles in question. Also, it is better not to massage them yourself.

What to do with calf cramps

You have certainly had painful calf cramps before and then asked yourself the reason for this rather unpleasant problem. What is actually going on in this area of ​​your body? What is it that is causing you so much pain? Here you will find all the answers to your questions.

First, it once already said that it is in calf cramps is basically just an involuntary muscle contraction. The calf muscle is involved in this. This has a characteristic, rounded shape. It actually consists of different muscles. This is also called the triceps surae muscle (Latin for “three-headed calf muscle”) and it is precisely this that is involved in the problem of calf cramps.

Most people experience such severe pain in their calves at night that they wake up from it. If you just read on here, you will find out why this happens and what you can do to alleviate these unpleasant symptoms or prevent them completely.

Why do I have calf cramps?

In the case of calf cramps , there is an involuntary contraction of the triceps surae muscle mentioned above. This muscle contracts and therefore shortens. In fact, this process can often be seen with the naked eye, and it is quite painful.

However, not much is known about the causes of this unpleasant problem. But it is known that certain factors are highly related to these ailments. First and foremost are very intensive and long-term sporting activities. It also plays a role if you do such physical activities without being in the appropriate physical condition.

The same thing happens when you do exercises without properly warming up beforehand. Because then your muscles are not well prepared for the exertion. It also appears that too little fluid intake during exercise leads to certain toxins building up in the muscles and causing these contractions.

But calf cramps do not always result from excessive physical strain. In fact, numerous other factors have also been found that can cause convulsions. For example the consumption of alcohol, coffee or tobacco. Certain medications or poor diet also play a role.

Representation of the calf muscles

Can calf cramps be related to any medical condition?

Do you often suffer from leg cramps? And aren’t they due to excessive physical exertion? Then they can possibly also be a symptom of an illness. So it is important to know whether there is any kind of circulatory disorder. Because if the blood does not reach the muscle properly, it can also lead to cramps.

In fact, this is quite a common problem in people over the age of 60. Atherosclerosis is a condition in which cholesterol builds up in the blood vessels. As a result, the blood flow in the affected areas becomes weaker. And that means that the blood no longer correctly reaches all parts of the body.

In addition, this change in blood supply has also been linked to pregnancy. Of course, this is by no means a disease, but it often happens that pregnant women suffer more from leg cramps in the last trimester of pregnancy.

Examination for calf cramps

What to do with calf cramps

As mentioned above, most people experience calf cramps at night. So while they sleep. You will then wake up to the severe pain in your calf. If you suffer from this problem frequently, we can recommend the following: You should always do a little stretching exercise just before going to bed.

It is important to remember that you need to do this exercise in slow steps. This means that you should increase the intensity gradually and not increase it abruptly. You also need to know when it is necessary for you to rest and then allow yourself this break.

Also, do n’t forget to warm up your muscles properly before exercising. The same goes for hydration during exercise and, by the way, also for diet. As we saw earlier, a lack of fluids can also cause these painful muscle cramps.

Some experts recommend certain physical therapy exercises to help prevent cramps. Gentle stretching exercises are ideal. Because these stretch the muscle in a controlled manner. You should avoid tiptoeing or even touching the affected area in the event of calf cramps. Because both can lead to further cramps.

However, if you have calf cramps very frequently, it is really important to see a doctor. Because it must be ruled out that any illness is the cause of the problem.

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