What To Do When Children Misbehave?

If children misbehave, there can be many causes. Find out how to best deal with it here.

What to do if children misbehave

If children misbehave, parents often lose patience and a power struggle arises between child and parents.

Bad behavior can manifest itself in outbursts of anger, breaking or hitting toys or other objects. Some children also have urinary leakage even after they have already learned to use the bathroom. Others simply ignore their parents’ instructions, yell, or annoy adults as best they can.

Why do children misbehave?

When children misbehave and why
  1. One of the main reasons for this is to get your parents’ attention. This happens when the child decides they are not getting enough attention when behaving normally. Unfortunately, the child actually gets what it wanted. It is the center of attention: the parents and other adults talk about their behavior, try to calm them down and devote time to the child.
  2. Another reason for the wrongdoing can be that the child feels neglected. A common example would be when you go shopping with the child and the child tells you that you are tired. Since there is no reaction, she breaks into a fit of anger. If the strategy works, the child will continue to use it in the future.
  3. Jealousy can also be another reason. Perhaps the child is jealous of one of their siblings, a friend, or even a parent. Children quickly learn that they can manipulate situations with their behavior.
  4. A lack of boundaries or contradictions between certain rules can also lead children to misbehave. For example, when the mother forbids something but the father allows it.

Misbehavior is triggered by serious behavioral disorders, such as low tolerance for frustration, hyperactivity, poor social behavior, and little or no impulse control. However, this usually only happens in extreme cases. A complicated family environment, school problems or abuse are also reasons for misconduct.

What to do if children misbehave

After analyzing the wrongdoing and knowing the reasons, you should think about how best to react. Your behavior during a tantrum can make a problem worse instead of fixing it.

  1. Be patient and show understanding

When kids misbehave and what you can do

When children misbehave, parents often experience a crisis, become desperate and try to boss the children around. Try not to get angry and be gentle but firm when telling your child how to act. Losing your composure will only complicate the power struggle. 

  1. If children misbehave: Don’t let others influence you!

An outburst in front of other people is often embarrassing or uncomfortable for parents. In many cases they give in and give the child what they want in an attempt to calm them down and avoid further fuss.

Don’t let others influence you. Hugging your child tightly is a good technique. Depending on the child’s age, you can also hold their hands lovingly and then explain why their behavior is wrong.

Then you can go ahead with what you did and pretend to ignore your child. Taking away your child’s attention will help you avoid such outbursts in the future.

  1. Try not to scream or belittle your child

If children misbehave, be patient

If a child misbehaves, depending on their age, they may try to communicate with you without you knowing. Children learn through examples and role models.

If you tell your child not to scream but you eventually lose control and yell at them, you will only confuse them. It is also not a good idea to tell your child that they are bad or that other children are doing better.

  1. Reward good behavior

Many parents neglect to reward their children’s good behavior. Phrases like, “How you share your toys with your sister is great” or “Thank you for tidying up your toys and clothes, you are a great help” are very helpful. It makes children feel useful and good.


It is easiest when the child does what they should do voluntarily, not because they are forced to do so. Control usually leads to dissatisfaction and insecurity. However, affection, patience, and love are excellent keys to avoiding wrongdoing.

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