What Is Flexitarianism And What Are Its Advantages?

Flexitarians are people who have a predominantly vegetarian diet, but who occasionally also consume meat. Find out interesting facts about the benefits of this form of nutrition today.

What is flexitarianism and what are its advantages?

Would you like to know what  flexitarianism  is? It is a predominantly vegetarian form of nutrition, but occasionally also includes animal products. Today we explain to you what advantages flexitarians enjoy.

What does flexitarianism mean?

All those people who follow a vegetarian diet but also eat animal products from time to time are called flexitarians. So you occasionally supplement your diet with fish, seafood or high-quality meat. 

In many cases it is also a transition from traditional diet to vegetarianism. Flexitarianism makes it possible to gradually do without animal products and to eat entirely vegetarian or vegan in the future. But many remain flexitarians and limit themselves to specific situations by eating animal foods.

This group also includes those people who do not like meat and therefore eat it only rarely or on special occasions. Some people eat seafood but not pork or beef.

However, it is not a type of vegetarianism. Vegetarians and vegans have ethical principles or other specific reasons for not eating animal products. For flexitarians, however, eating meat occasionally is not a moral issue and is absolutely compatible with their lifestyle. You don’t feel guilty about it.

Flexitarianism is not a subgroup of vegetarianism, but a different lifestyle.

What are the advantages of flexitarianism?

Various studies suggest that a diet high in vegetables  has various health benefits. Of course, it is also important that the nutrition plan is varied and balanced. It should contain all of the nutrients that the individual needs. As part of a healthy diet, it is important to avoid manufactured products, fried foods and harmful substances such as alcohol and tobacco.

Then we go into more detail on the positive effects of flexitarianism. Read on!

Prevents cardiovascular diseases

Cardiovascular diseases are a major public health problem around the world.  They are one of the leading causes of death, especially in industrialized countries. Cardiovascular disease results from the accumulation of saturated fats and cholesterol in the arteries, which in turn is often due to increased consumption of red or processed meat.

Scientific studies have confirmed  that a diet high in vegetables, such as the flexitarian diet, has very positive effects in preventing non-communicable diseases. 

These benefits are not only due to the fact that fewer unhealthy fats are included in this diet. Vegetables provide important antioxidants and anti-inflammatory substances that promote cardiovascular health.

Against obesity and diabetes

Obesity and type 2 diabetes are metabolic diseases that can often be traced back to poor diet and other factors, such as a lack of exercise. The article “Flexitarianismo: una revisión de la literatura” (Eng. Flexitarianism: A revision of the literature ”) mentions that this type of diet is associated with a lower risk of these diseases.

This study indicates that the BMI (Body Mass Index) in the group of participating vegetarians and flexitarians, as opposed to meat-eaters, was normal. An adequate BMI protects against chronic diseases of the vital organs.

Flexitarianism to prevent intestinal diseases

Crohn’s disease and colon cancer have been linked to excessive consumption of red meat, sausages, and fatty products. However, flexitarianism protects against these diseases.

Natural foods  protect the intestinal structure and enable a balanced microbiota. As a result, intestinal candidiasis and the formation of diverticula (small protrusions in the intestine that can become inflamed and cause discomfort) occur less frequently.

Prevention against kidney and gallstones

Excessive consumption of proteins, especially those of animal origin, causes more calcium, uric acid and oxalic acid to be expelled in the urine. These substances can form kidney stones or gallstones.

Furthermore  , scientists associate the regular consumption of cholesterol and unhealthy fats with the formation of kidney or gallstones. These unhealthy fats are mostly found in meat products. When it comes to kidney health, it can be boosted by consuming less meat products.

Woman with back pain switches to flexitarianism
In many cases, kidney stones are due to the proteins found in meat.

Flexitarianism: final remark

As you can see, this type of diet has many health benefits. It is based on a vegetable-rich diet that provides you with fiber, anti-inflammatory substances and antioxidants  and thus prevents typical diseases in industrialized countries.

But as with any diet, you should pay attention to versatility and eat a balanced diet  to absorb all the important nutrients you need. If you want to change your diet, it is best to seek help from a nutritionist.

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