Varicose Veins: Tips And Advice

Although varicose veins can often be surgically removed, these treatments can take some time.

Varicose veins: tips and advice

Varicose veins: also called varices, are veins that expand due to poor blood circulation. They widen and are visible under the skin, which is not necessarily nice.

Although varicose veins can often be removed surgically, these treatments can take time. We’ll give you the following advice to hide and prevent varicose veins.

Methods to hide varicose veins

If the varices are visible under the skin and you want to hide them, we recommend the following simple tricks so that you can wear skirts and dresses carefree.

This article will also tell you more about natural home remedies that can help prevent varices.

Make up

The best and most effective means is to cover the varices with good make-up. First, use a dark circles correction pen to cover up the varicose veins.

If these are bluish, you will need a yellow correction pen; if they are reddish, you will need a green one. Then, apply makeup a little lighter than your skin tone to give your legs a natural look.

Tanning creams

These creams are also very suitable for covering scars, varicose veins or spots. You can use this every day.

Often the varices become inflamed and cause great pain.

Kramofadern: home remedies to prevent

The first thing you should do is switch to a healthy diet. Eat lots of fresh fruits and raw vegetables, which are essential for healthy, moisturized skin and a good circulatory system.

When sleeping or resting, you should put your legs up, so the blood circulates better and does not stay in the same place for a long time, which promotes the development of varices.

If you sit or stand for long periods of time at work, you should move your legs frequently or take a few steps every now and then to improve circulation, which can help prevent problems such as varicose veins.

If possible, use supportive stockings. However, these should not be too tight, and clothing should not be too tight either, otherwise circulation problems or other complaints such as cellulite could occur.

Do circular massages with cold water on your legs every day after the shower to stimulate blood circulation.

The daily intake of 2 spoons of chestnut extract (diluted in a glass of water) is also recommended.

Ointment against varices

If you want, you can make a marigold ointment to nourish the skin. Heat marigold petals in two spoons of butter.

As soon as foam develops, turn down the temperature and then let the ointment cool down until the next day. Then heat it up again so that you can filter it more easily.

Then keep the cream in a cool place and apply it to the affected areas every day.

Do not forget…

It’s that easy to hide the varicose veins. Remember, however, that you should keep moving to activate blood flow and prevent varices from developing.

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