Training For Elastic Muscles

If you want to improve the flexibility of your muscles, you have to do these exercises regularly. Gradually they become more flexible and training becomes easier and easier. 

Training for elastic muscles

It is difficult to bend down and you can barely tie your shoes? Can’t reach the top shelves because you can’t stretch? And do you have an inflexible neck? There are exercises for elastic  muscles.

When there is a lack of stretchability, these problems are very common.

At the same time, if you want to train your muscles to become more flexible,  you should also be careful to move more generally and (if possible) not to sit as much.

Certain exercises can help you  train your muscles and make them more flexible. 

In today’s article, we’re going to introduce you to some of them.

Why is it important to be flexible?

Health professionals know  that keeping muscles flexible is very important. Some reasons for this are:

  • With it you can  improve your physical condition. 
  • You can protect muscles, ligaments and joints from possible injuries.
  • You can improve your mobility and prevent pain with stretching exercises.
  • You can also improve your posture more easily with trained muscles.
  • In addition, your muscles will of course also be stronger.

But what happens if you don’t stretch your muscles and don’t move enough?

  • Then the  risk of injury and pain is greater.
  • If the muscles are not exercised, they tend to shorten and stiffen. As a result, the ability to move slowly decreases and you can no longer react as quickly.
  • It also uses less energy  because there is less movement.
  • Muscle tension and other muscle problems are more common.

Recommendations for better flexibility

Stretching exercise

Anyone who does sport must do stretching exercises before and after to prepare the muscles for it.

For sporting activities of medium intensity, coaches usually recommend a 6-minute warm-up training and after finishing the sport also 6 minutes of stretching exercises.

However, the muscles should not be stretched too much. The exercises shouldn’t hurt. However, you need to do them regularly to gradually improve your flexibility.

Remain in the described position for 10 seconds at a time and then carefully go back to the starting position.

Older or unsportsmanlike people should definitely follow the following recommendations:

Stretch yourself in the morning

As  soon as you get up, you stretch and straighten yourself to get going. Stretch yourself, straighten your arms and legs. In this way you can not only promote your flexibility, but also start the day full of energy.

However, stretch carefully and gently, because the body has to be slowly “woken up” after sleep.

In particular, focus on those areas where you want to improve your flexibility

If you are not very flexible in your arms and legs, you should do specific exercises for these areas. A complete stretching routine can be very helpful!

However, focus especially on those areas that are painful or particularly immobile.

Stretch several times a day

Depending on what activities you do, it is advisable to include several breaks in order to stretch your body.

For example, if you spend the whole day sitting  up, keep getting up to take a break, stretching your arms, legs, and back.

Steps for more flexibility

Warm up muscles and joints


Always warm up before exercising. Even if you just want to walk the dog or do garden work, it’s a good idea to do some stretching first!

Remember, however, that these exercises alone are not a sporting activity.

Stretch your body every day

As mentioned earlier,  it is important to gradually become more flexible. To achieve this goal, you need to exercise and stretch your muscles regularly.

Right nutrition


Fruits and vegetables, whole grains as well as calcium and protein-rich foods should not be missing in the diet. Also make sure to drink enough water and avoid fast food and ready-made products as much as possible.


When you enroll in a fitness center, get advice from your trainer and show you the best flexible muscle exercises before you begin your  exercise  routine.

If you choose to do weight training, know that it will shorten your muscles. This is why it is very important to do stretching exercises before and after your workout.

Stretching exercises for different areas of the body

For the shoulders


Stretch chest muscles:

Move your right arm behind your back and guide your hand towards your shoulder. Hold your right elbow with your left hand and apply light pressure on it.

Repeat this exercise on the other side.

Bring your arm behind your neck, your elbow touching your ear and your hand touching your shoulder blade. With the other hand, apply gentle pressure down from the elbow. Repeat this exercise on the other side.

Stretching exercises for the legs

You sit on the floor, stretch out your closed legs, and then bend one leg so that the sole of the foot touches the inner area of ​​the knee of the other leg. Bend your torso forward and try to touch the outstretched foot with your fingers.

Then repeat the exercise with the other leg.

In the same starting position, you can stretch your back forward. Then you open your legs and bring your upper body to one leg, then to the other.

Stretching exercises for the back


Lie on your back on a mat with both hands on the floor. Bring your head back while you fully straighten your arms.

The back resembles an arch in this position. Remain in this position for a few seconds and then go back to the starting position.

Stand up straight, raise one arm over your head, and bend in the direction the hand is pointing. This is how you can stretch the hip and rib area. Then repeat the exercise on the other side.

In the same starting position, bring your head and back towards your feet and try to touch them with your  fingertips. 

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