This Is How Your Baby Learns To Sleep Through The Night

That the baby can sleep through the night is a dream of many young parents. Learn what you can do to keep your baby from waking up at night.

This is how your baby learns to sleep through the night

As soon as a baby can sleep through it is a great relief and relaxation for the parents. However, some babies cannot sleep through the night for a very long time and wake their parents up to several times a night.

We explain what you can do to help your baby sleep through the night.

Can your baby sleep through the night?

Whether your baby can sleep through the night is definitely one of the questions that you get asked a lot. And I’m sure you sometimes cheat a little with the answer, because after all it seems like every baby needs to be able to sleep through the night. And that from the very first day.

Don’t put yourself under stress if your baby doesn’t need to sleep through the night and keeps you busy all night.

There are ways you can help your baby learn to sleep through the night, too. And then the stress will come to an end, you will see how it will relax your relationship with man and child …

When will the baby sleep through the night?

When can a baby sleep through the night?

Don’t ask too much of your baby. Up to the age of 6 months it is completely normal for your child to “come” during the night, and sometimes several times.

Later, too, your child will wake up again and again at night, just as you can have short periods of wakefulness in your sleep.

But then it depends on whether the child finds his way back to sleep while awake or not. And that’s exactly where you can make sure that night doesn’t turn into day for all of you. We explain to you what the opinion of the experts is.


Falling asleep requires staying asleep

Many experts believe that when a baby wakes up, it subconsciously checks that the environment in which it wakes up is the same as in which it fell asleep.

If the environment does not correspond to what it perceived when falling asleep, it is insecure and stays awake.

If the environment has changed too much for the child, it will not find its way back to sleep out of sheer uncertainty and will also start crying.

An example: If your baby fell asleep while breastfeeding and then wakes up again in his bed, the last environmental situation was “body contact with mom” or “eating”.

Since mom is not in the cot and there is no meal there, the child is unsettled or even frightened by the new environment. So separate “food intake” from “falling asleep” in time, just as “body contact” and “falling asleep” should be separated.

What you need to know to help your child sleep through the night

The sleep situation is crucial

This is exactly where you can make sure that your child sleeps through the night: let them fall asleep exactly where they will wake up at night. In his baby bed, in the dark. And not on your arm in the light. Get your baby to bed right from the start when you want them to sleep.

And in his own bed, not in your bed, from which you will sooner or later lay it out again. Not the same night maybe, but in a few months – and then the theater starts again …

If your child wakes up in the night, stick to it: it falls asleep where it wakes up again, in its bed and not in your arm. Calm them down and put them back in bed to sleep there. Be constant and repeat the process until it falls asleep in bed. And not on your arm!

Don’t take the child out of bed

If your child wakes up at night and calls for you, get used to not taking them out from the very first moment. Caress it reassuringly, be with it, let it hear your voice, give it security in its bed. Because that’s where it will wake up.

If that works out well, move on to only talking to your child soothingly when he or she yells for you at night. Always use the same words that your child uses to recognize “Mom (or Dad) is here, everything is fine”.

If this works well, try using these same words in exactly the same pitch to speak to your baby remotely when he calls for you. From the door frame or the other corner of the room. The goal is to convey to your baby that they are safe in their bed. So your baby learns to sleep through the night too! And the parents too …

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