This Is How You Stand By Your Children With Words And Deeds

A loving and effective way of communication and time spent together are among the foundations for a healthy mother-child relationship. Find out more about the topic here.

So you stand by your children with words and deeds

It is not always so easy to raise one’s own children in such a way that they can develop their full potential and successfully take their place in society. However, there are methods that you can use to avoid mistakes and to provide them with advice and action.

If you know  how to give your children advice even when they haven’t asked you about it, they can turn away from you over time. It is therefore important that you always maintain loving communication with your children.

Together as a family, you need to learn how to communicate with one another and share your thoughts. For you as a mother, it is important that you try empathically to understand your children’s feelings. With this you create a foundation full of love and care. It will help you to deepen the bond with your children even further in the future.

Even if your children are very young, it is important to maintain communication. Your children are very unlikely to engage in honest, productive conversations later unless you practice communicating with them at a young age and give them the space they need to talk.

Giving advice: this is how you strengthen the bond with your children

Giving advice This is how you bond with your children
  • If there are several children, it is advisable that conversations with each child are regularly conducted alone. In this way you give every child the freedom they need.
  • If your children are very young, playing together is another great way to strengthen the bond between you. Here children feel the parental interest in them and in their activities.
  • Watching a children’s film together also brings you closer. This creates a great opportunity for parents: They can ask their children about their thoughts on the film and thus better understand their point of view and personality.
  • Hug, kiss and pet your children. Do not be afraid of physical closeness, it is fundamental for strengthening the mother-child bond and brings you closer to one another.
  • It is also important that children spend time with the family. The amount of time children watch TV or play computer games should be kept short. Otherwise this can easily lead to the child becoming lonely.
  • Give your children valuable gifts such as books and games that not only promote development, but also encourage them to play together. In this way you give your children the opportunity to spontaneously deepen their emotional bond while playing.

More advice for a stronger relationship

  • Advocate that meals are eaten together at least twice a week. Lunch or dinner together at the weekend brings the family together. Children should also be involved in the preparation of meals together, so they learn to cook and can learn to appreciate working together.
  • Planning family outings together is just as important. They give your family the opportunity to spend time together and gain new experiences that weld you together.
  • Another way to strengthen the bond between parents and children is to do sports together, such as ice skating, cycling or swimming. This can be a very valuable experience for your children.

This is not how we should behave towards children

Mother always gives good advice to her children

Avoid generalizations and don’t tell your children that they are always doing everything wrong. These remarks could reduce their self-esteem and eventually lead them to think that they can do nothing at all.

Mockery, sarcasm, and irony can also have a negative effect – even if it wasn’t intended. In fact, this will be less of a source of amusement for your children and more of humiliation and feelings of inferiority.

Also, avoid repeating instructions to your children without paying attention to how they react. This can make them feel like you don’t understand them. You may think that you should never question adult instructions.

Of course, you shouldn’t yell at your children and argue with them about old problems that have long been resolved. Reproachful looks could make the dialogue between you even more difficult.

Avoid attributing your child’s bad behavior to their character. You are doing your child no good.

And one more piece of advice: Don’t reproach your children in front of others, save yourself the lecture for a suitable time. Such conversations need to be done privately and in the right way, without offending your children.


Always keep calm and remember  that it is very difficult to talk reasonably to children while you are upset. Negative feelings often lead to saying things in an argument that one regrets afterwards. This can have a negative impact on the relationship, and your children may no longer want advice from you.

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