This Is How You Can Lower The Uric Acid Level!

When we lower uric acid levels, we lower the risk of gout. Find out how both are related!

This is how you can lower uric acid levels!

To lower the uric acid levels to be able to, you need to keep or eat tablets no diet. If you want or need to lower uric acid levels , there are just a few simple rules you should follow in your diet.

When do you have to lower the uric acid level?

If your doctor has told you to lower your uric acid levels, it’s time to go on high. But even if you want to prevent gout, you should lower the uric acid level – and do so permanently.

An elevated uric acid level is unhealthy. If it occurs over the long term, gout is the undisputed consequence.

Gout is a form of arthritis that has been known since ancient times and is characterized by an increased uric acid level in the organism.

As the uric acid level in the serum rises, crystals can accumulate in the joints, trigger inflammatory processes there and thus lead to gout.

The first attack of gout usually begins in the big toe, typically with severe pain and at night.

In Germany around 5 out of 100 men are affected. Women practically never get the disease before the age of 60, and in men the disease occurs most frequently between the ages of 40 and 50.

This has to do with diet, among other things. We’ll show you what you can do to lower your uric acid level and prevent or improve gout.

Avoid meat in order to be able to lower the uric acid level

Avoid meat

Uric acid is mainly produced when purines are broken down. Purines are substances found in foods, especially meat. Therefore, meat consumption should be severely restricted in order to lower the level of uric acid in the blood.

It is advisable to reduce the consumption of meat, fish and sausage to a maximum of three times a week or to switch entirely to a vegetarian diet.

The recommended portion size of a maximum of 100 grams of fish, meat or poultry or 50 grams of sausage should be adhered to.

A steak the size of a thumb and the size of a playing card is about 100 grams, which is the absolute maximum per meal!

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Refrain from alcohol

Alcohol increases uric acid production in the liver and inhibits its excretion.

A long-term scientific study has shown that alcoholic beverages can increase the risk of gout as a result.

So if you refrain from alcohol, you automatically reduce your uric acid level in your blood. And, by the way, it also reduces other health risks.

Reduce your fructose intake

Fructose is the only sugar that, once broken down, can raise uric acid levels.

Studies have shown that fructose diet drinks increase your risk of developing gout by 45 percent.

Fruits and fruit juices rich in fructose (for example grape juice, apples, pears, berries, …) and honey seem to increase the risk of developing gout.

As a rule of thumb you can remember: the sweeter the fruit, the higher the fructose content. The more acidic the fruit, the better at keeping the uric acid level in the blood low.

Fructose should therefore be avoided if you want to lower the uric acid level in the blood.

Since this is also found in many industrially manufactured foods, it is advisable to read the list of ingredients on the packaging carefully.

Avoid legumes to lower uric acid levels

Avoid legumes

Many vegans swear by it: pulses as a high-quality source of protein.

But anyone who suffers from gout or high uric acid levels should avoid beans, lentils, peas and products made from them (for example soy milk), as these foods, although plant-based, are rich in purines.

An ovo-lacto-vegetarian diet is the healthiest if you have high uric acid levels, a vegan diet is counterproductive.

Drink a lot

The body needs enough fluids to flush out uric acid. Therefore, drinking is one of the easiest and most effective ways to prevent high uric acid levels.

Those who drink enough ensure that the kidneys are adequately flushed and that uric acid can be excreted optimally.

However, the daily fluid intake should consist of calorie-free drinks such as mineral water or herbal tea, under no circumstances juice spritzers, diet drinks or fruit juice drinks, as these increase the uric acid level.

Lower uric acid levels: Dairy products are allowed

Prefer lean dairy products

Milk and all foods made from it, such as cheese, yoghurt quark, etc., are low in purine and therefore an ideal source of protein for gout patients and anyone who wants to keep their uric acid level in their blood low or who need to lower them.

Those who do without meat still have to supply the body with protein.

Since the otherwise popular vegetable protein sources, the legumes, contain a lot of purine, dairy products are the only sensible alternative to supply the body with enough protein.

However, you should make sure to use the low-fat variants so that you do not become excessively overweight.

Normal weight

About two thirds of all gout patients are overweight. The uric acid concentration in the blood can be reduced by normalizing body weight alone.

Obese people should therefore work hard to reduce their weight gradually over the long term. This not only reduces the uric acid level in the blood, but also spares the joints stressed by gout attacks and is good for the entire body in many ways.

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