Things That Can Help Treat Inflammation

A vegetarian diet is recommended to reduce inflammation. Meat, fish, and dairy products make the condition worse.

Things That Can Help Treat Inflammation

Many diseases are manifested by inflammation, which can cause discomfort and pain. What Can Help Treat Inflammation ?

Inflammation can occur in various places in the body, e.g. muscles, joints, skin, throat, eyes, gums, ears, liver, kidneys, intestines, etc.

There are several natural foods and remedies that can help us treat inflammation and its symptoms, regardless of where they occur. Below we introduce you to some of these treatment options.

Vegetarian, alkaline food

Whenever there is inflammation, an excess of acid in the blood can be determined. That is why we first recommend a vegetarian, alkaline diet, at least as long as the inflammation lasts.

All foods with animal proteins, such as meat, fish, and dairy products, usually exacerbate the inflammation.

Many plant-based foods can also acidify the body. We should always pay attention to the balance of our acid-base balance, but since the body is over-acidic in an inflammation, we recommend purely alkaline foods.

Which foods have an alkaline effect?

  • Fruit and vegetable juices (made from carrots, apples, celery, spinach …)
  • raw spinach
  • broccoli
  • Carrots
  • Beetroot
  • salad
  • garlic
  • Dried figs
  • Raisins
  • Dates
  • Grapes
  • papaya
  • kiwi
  • Apples
  • pear
  • Hazelnuts
  • Almonds
  • Lemon juice
  • Stevia
  • Green tea

Cold and warm

Inflammation sometimes requires cold, especially in the first few moments when the affected area is warm and red. But when we feel that the inflamed area is cold, warmth is called for (joints usually need warmth).

Just touch the skin on the affected area and you will know whether cold or warm is better. In many cases, the patient feels for himself what is best for him.

  • You can use a heating pad for heat treatments.
  • An ice pack is recommended for cold treatments.

Quark compresses for treating inflammation

To refresh the inflamed area, especially when it is warm, we can use quark compresses. The curd is applied directly to the skin and then covered with a cloth. We let the envelope act for at least half an hour.

Cold and warm oils

Vegetable and essential oils can have different effects. Some have warmth, others cold effects.

  • Refreshing oils: cypress oil, mint
  • Warming oils: ginger, cinnamon

We can mix a few drops of these essential oils with the following vegetable oils :

  • Cooling oils : coconut and almond oil  
  • Neutral oils: sesame oil
  • Warming oils : olive oil

Cabbage wrap

Different types of herbs have anti-inflammatory effects. We then use savoy cabbage for this wrap. The leaves are briefly boiled in water and then flattened to remove the juice.

Then the cabbage leaves are placed directly on the inflamed area and covered with a cloth and silver paper. We let the compress work for about half an hour.

This cabbage wrap also helps with menstrual cramps, the leaves are then placed on the abdomen.

Inflammation of the face

The face is very sensitive, so compresses or compresses cannot be used, and the use of oil can also be uncomfortable. But there are a few simple means that you at  dermatitis, conjunctivitis, among other things apply can.

  • Chamomile bags: We keep the chamomile tea bags in the refrigerator for a while after the tea has been prepared. These can then be placed on the closed, inflamed eyes.
  • Cucumbers: Fresh cucumber slices have an anti-inflammatory effect and can then be placed in the eye area for between 15 and 60 minutes.
  • Aloe Vera: Aloe Vera is anti-inflammatory and also helps with wound healing. The fresh plant is best, but you can also buy aloe gel and mix it with essential oils.
  • Marigold : works great for skin inflammation. Marigold creams are available in pharmacies and health food stores.

Nettle tea

As long as the inflammation persists, we can also drink nettle tea. This has excellent anti-inflammatory properties and is also draining and cleansing. We prepare a liter of tea and drink it throughout the day.

If necessary, the tea can be sweetened with stevia. Honey or sugar is not recommended as these sweeteners have an acidic effect.

Images courtesy of Food Thinkers, cuervo_J y snarkattack

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