The “Superwoman Syndrome “

The “Superwoman Syndrome” refers to perfectionist women who take on too many responsibilities. Over time, this creates frustration, disappointment, and stress. How can you defend yourself against it? We answer this question for you.

Have you ever heard of “Superwoman Syndrome” ? Perfectionist women who take on a wide variety of tasks at the same time and want to shine in all of them suffer from this. You will not find this syndrome in any diagnostic manual because it is not an officially recognized disease.

But why is it still important to talk about it? More and more women are affected by this situation and are putting themselves under increasing pressure to be perfect in all tasks, but this has an impact on their physical and mental health.

What is Superwoman Syndrome?

Similar to the Superman complex, the superwomen act as if everyone around them is incompetent. That said, they’re the only ones who can really do the job well.

These women are also often high-handed, making them act like the best superhero we can imagine. They are strong, they appear to be invincible and have the power to deal with any difficulties.

However, this syndrome is by no means positive: studies show that it leads to emotional exhaustion and stress. 

Research on this topic also suggests that affected women often suffer from feelings of guilt, chronic fatigue, thoughtfulness and other negative consequences. Before things get that far, it is worth doing a self-examination to determine if there is any danger.

How does a superwoman behave?

The characteristic features include the following:

  • They take care of all the tasks, so working in groups is not suitable for them.
  • You never delegate responsibility. On the contrary, they are proud of their achievements.
  • They never ask for help, even in their worst moments.
  • Your ego is strong.
  • It is usually proud women who never show any signs of weakness.
  • They accept all the tasks assigned to them at work, even if they are on the verge of breakdown or an emotional crisis.
  • They feel like they are seen as weak and incompetent when asking for support.

What are the benefits of being a superwoman?

To some extent, it might be beneficial to be a superwoman, largely due to the following factors:

  • The woman feels strong and particularly intelligent.
  • It is a nice feeling when the superwoman is praised for her commitment.
  • You will experience the pleasant feeling of being able to help many and
  • feel confident and motivated.

Of course, the people around the superwoman also feel great because she makes the lives of others easier by taking care of everything! However, this also has disadvantages that should not be underestimated.

What are the cons of superwoman syndrome?

If you have identified yourself with the “superwoman syndrome”, you  know that this also has negative consequences:

  • When you are constantly available to others, you give up things for yourself.
  • In the end, there is no more energy left, especially in the evening, and exhaustion becomes the normal situation.
  • You work for others and there is hardly any time left for you.
  • You may feel anger and loneliness.
  • You may be frustrated with your energy and attention being focused on others.
  • You are disappointed when they don’t appreciate your accomplishments.

How do you know if you have superwoman syndrome?

If you are experiencing these symptoms, you may have this syndrome:

  • stress
  • Difficulty falling asleep
  • Little or no time for relaxation
  • Unachievable or very demanding goals or objectives
  • You cannot say “no” when you are assigned a task.
  • Afraid of wanting to do anything

If you recognize some of these traits, then you need to work on your own well-being. You should try to change this harmful behavior.

  • You’re only human too. And the truth is that you are far from being a hero. Accept that you cannot do everything perfectly because the risk of getting sick is too great.
  • Forget your urge to want to control everything. No matter how hard you try, things won’t always end the way you want them to. We have to leave room for uncertainty and for things to happen on their own.
  • Everyone is responsible for their own life. Wanting to help others is very nice, but you mustn’t neglect yourself because of it.
  • Learn to let go! The others can also do many tasks with success. Know that not everyone around you is incompetent. This only limits your growth potential.

If you follow these tips, you will see how you can finally find your own peace of mind. Focus on yourself and start setting priorities. You will find that your quality of life improves significantly.

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