The 7 Best Fat-burning Drinks

These fat-burning drinks have a filling effect and promote weight loss. In addition, they help to expel harmful substances from the organism and supply the body with fluids.

The 7 best fat burning drinks

You have set yourself a goal. You want to lose weight. Therefore, these  drinks are  very healthy. So, you can incorporate them into your diet.

They stimulate the metabolism. Thus, ideal for a healthy diet. Exercise shouldn’t be missing either.

Very easy to prepare! They taste delicious. They are also very effective.

Burn fat through healthy drinks

We recommend two liters of water a day. As a result,  at least one of these  drinks is ideal for this

You should watch out for proper nutrition. Exercise three times a week is also important. This way, you will soon achieve your desired figure.

But don’t forget! There is no such thing as a magic formula.

Juices with fruits and vegetables

Raw vegetable juice is great. Thus, the appetite is satisfied. As a result, you eat fewer calories. In this way, vegetables provide the organism with nutrients. Therefore, it is ideal before eating.

You can also combine vegetables. For example spinach, celery, carrots, broccoli …

Plant-based drinks are ideal between meals  . By replacing  unhealthy snacks. Therefore, these drinks are great thirst quenchers in summer.

Water and lemon

Drinks with zirons

Water excretes pollutants. So add lemon. Thus, you can detoxify the liver. Metabolism is also improved.

  • Lukewarm water with lemon. As a result, digestion is stimulated. This burns the fat. For this purpose, the liver function is improved.
  • Antioxidants destroy bacteria. The bacteria can lead to acne. In short, lemon improves the complexion.
  • Lemon water helps with constipation. Thus, it supports colon cleansing.


  • 1 cup of lukewarm water (250 ml)
  • Juice of half a lemon


  • Squeeze the lemon
  • Mix with lukewarm water
  • Drink daily on an empty stomach for one month.

Artichoke water

Artichokes stimulate the urge to urinate. As a result, the cooking water is very healthy.

This can cleanse the liver of fat. Also, the excretion of pollutants is promoted. 

So you shouldn’t just eat the vegetables. You can use the cooking water as soup, for example. So you also benefit from it!

White tea

White tea

Green tea is recommended for weight loss. White tea is great too. It has many advantages. So also ideal for your health.

White tea stimulates fat burning. So, the unpopular love handles! This drink tastes delicious. It has many other advantages as well.

So, the cholesterol can be lowered.

You can drink up to 3 cups a day. White tea is available in supermarkets or health food stores. Sweeten with honey as needed.

  • Do you like variety? Then you can also drink red, blue or black tea.
  • Teas made from horsetail, dandelion, nettle or bay leaf are suitable.
  • All of them have dehydrating properties. They don’t just help shed fat. They also drain excess fluids.

Blueberry juice

The blue berries contain healthy acids. For example, malic acid and quinic acid. Also, citric acid.

All of them act like digestive enzymes. Thus, it loosens the fat in the lymphatic system.

They absorb the residues. They cannot be processed in the liver. Blueberry juice is perfect for those with high cholesterol levels. Also ideal for diabetes.

This improves the quality of the blood. Have a glass every day. Best for breakfast.

Coconut water

Coconut water

Coconut water is very refreshing. It’s rich in nutrients and tastes great. You don’t necessarily have to travel to the Caribbean. So it can be bought in many stores.

This drink is very popular with athletes. It contains five times more potassium than isotonic drinks. So it can prevent muscle cramps after training.

Even if you don’t do intense sport. Coconut water is a great drink. This discharges pollutants.

In addition, this drink has an antioxidant effect. So, you improve your digestion. So, you also provide your body with fluids.

ginger tea

Ginger tea warms the body. It therefore helps in burning fat. The thermogenic active ingredients help in the elimination of residues. So, even with fat reserves.

These are very stubborn in the abdominal area. A lack of exercise is usually responsible for this. As well as, stress and hormonal problems.

Ginger tea suppresses the production of cortisol. Are you having a bad day? Or do you tend to gain weight because you sit all day? Then this drink is recommended.


  • 1 cup of water (250 ml)
  • ½ teaspoon grated ginger (2 g)


    • Bring the water to a boil. Then scald the grated ginger with it.
    • Let it steep for 5 minutes. Then, if desired, sweeten with honey.
    • Because drink tea immediately.

    Water with apple and cinnamon

    drink with apple and cinnamon

    A delicious recipe. It detoxifies the body. Because of this, it is ideal for losing weight.

    You can therefore drink one liter a day. You can use the cinnamon sticks several times. As well as the apples.


    • An Apple
    • A stick of cinnamon
    • Ice cubes
    • 2 cups of water (500 ml)


    • Peel the apple.
    • Cut into thin slices.
    • Put the cinnamon stick in a glass jug.
    • Add apple slices
    • Add ice cubes and water.
    • Let the mixture steep.
    • Drink during the day.

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