Teas Against Circulatory Disorders That Could Help With Cellulite

The unsightly orange peel is not a health problem, but affects many people’s self-confidence.

Teas for circulatory disorders that could help with cellulite

Cellulite or orange peel is very uncomfortable for many women. It is a circulatory disorder that both overweight and very slim people can suffer from. There are teas for circulatory disorders.

The unsightly orange peel is not a health problem, but affects many people’s self-confidence and can become a cosmetic problem for some, especially in summer when more legs are shown.

Cellulite is caused by circulatory disorders as well as hormonal and genetic factors.  Since hormone fluctuations are more common in women, they also suffer from cellulite more often.


Other causes can include fatty foods, lack of exercise, too little water, too much salt, carbonated drinks, tobacco, stress or contraceptive pills.

As already mentioned, the most common factors are hormone fluctuations, predisposition and an incorrect diet. Hereditary predisposition cannot be influenced, so one must try to remedy the other causes.

It is important to change your diet accordingly and to have enough water to cleanse the organism and provide it with fluids.

The elimination of pollutants is very important in this context. Constipation has also been linked to the appearance of cellulite.

The combination of proper diet, sufficient exercise and water, and cosmetic treatments are of great help. Either of these methods alone will not necessarily produce lasting positive results.

In addition, there are various medicinal herbs that can then have a supportive effect in the fight against orange peel. These have cleansing and dehydrating effects and also improve the complexion.

Below we will describe some of these medicinal plants and teas for cellulite in more detail.

Teas against cellulite: peppermint


This medicinal plant is known for its cleansing and detoxifying effects, and it also activates the blood circulation. Mint tea can be made with fresh or dried leaves.

Teas against cellulite: horsetail

This plant has a detoxifying and draining effect. That is why it is ideal for combating cellulite and also for general health. One teaspoon of this plant is used per cup of water. It is best to drink the tea after eating.

Teas against cellulite: mallow

This medicinal plant improves blood circulation and the complexion. It helps with the exchange of fluids and with the breakdown of excess fat. The tea is made with a spoonful of mallow flowers per cup and then drunk twice a day.

External application


This plant can only be used for external applications, there is a risk of poisoning when ingesting ivy. Ivy activates blood circulation in the affected areas. For an envelope, first make an infusion with fresh ivy leaves.

Then remove the water and crush the leaves with a pestle until a paste is formed. Then place them on the affected areas with a cotton cloth and fasten them.

The medicinal plant teas mentioned are excellent against cellulite, but should not be used for too long and only in the correct dose.

In the case of medical treatment and during pregnancy and breastfeeding, one should consult the attending physician before taking.

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