Start The Day Without Breakfast? 7 Consequences

The nutrients that we eat at breakfast provide the organism with new energy and prevent a wide range of diseases. That is why you should never start the day without breakfast.

Without breakfast in the day?  7 consequences

Many people do not know the consequences of starting the day without breakfast and therefore skip this important meal. Even if you have heard over and over again in recent years that this is a healthy diet, you should not underestimate the effects on the body.

In fact, some still believe that without breakfast you can  “save calories” to make it easier to lose weight. However, it is quite different: if you skip breakfast, you are more likely to suffer from obesity and other problems that reduce the quality of life.

It is therefore essential to have breakfast every day and, most importantly, to ensure that the nutrients are of good quality. Do you know what happens in your body when you don’t have breakfast? In today’s article we want to explain the main consequences to you. 

1. You have no energy without breakfast

You have no energy without breakfast

In order to get through the day physically and mentally fit, it is essential to “recharge” the body with a good breakfast in the morning. One of the consequences of starting the day without breakfast is therefore a feeling of tiredness and lightheadedness that  can drag on throughout the day.

Be careful though, as a cup of coffee with a few biscuits is no substitute for a healthy breakfast. It is about “fueling” the body, and it should consist of an appropriate combination of foods that are rich in essential nutrients.

2. Your blood sugar levels increase

The nutrients we ingest from breakfast are critical to controlling blood sugar levels. So if you don’t eat breakfast or eat unhealthy foods on time, the concentration of insulin decreases and the body accumulates more sugar.

This problem is very worrying, especially for those who have a high risk factor for diabetes. If it is not resolved quickly, the increase in blood sugar can also bring other symptoms and illnesses with it.

3. You feel more hungry if you don’t have breakfast

Without breakfast, the dreaded hunger pangs more easily later

If you don’t have breakfast, it affects your body weight. Even if one apparently “saves” the calories,  the dreaded cravings often arise later. It makes us feel an insatiable need for food.

4. You have mood swings

The lack of nutrients can lead to mood swings. When you consider that high-quality foods contain substances that promote well-being, inadequate breakfast is a trigger for stress and irritability.

If your emotions have been causing problems in your work or family life lately, you should be paying a little attention to your diet. You should also eat foods at breakfast that stimulate the production of serotonin, such as bitter chocolate, bananas or avocado.

5. Your immune system is weakened

Without breakfast, the immune system also suffers

The nutrients we ingest at breakfast also support the functions of our immune system. Therefore, it can be weakened if we start the day without breakfast. This means that our bodies are more susceptible to infections.

6. Without breakfast you develop digestive problems

Slow digestion and constipation are also consequences of not eating breakfast. Even if many other factors affect digestion, the missing nutrients can trigger digestive problems.

It is essential that breakfast contain fiber, fatty acids and water.  This combination allows the body to regulate digestion and eliminate waste. In addition, it regulates the pH of the intestinal flora and reduces the risk of gastritis and a bad stomach.

7. The risk of heart disease increases

A Harvard University study found that men who don’t eat breakfast are up to 27% more likely to have a heart attack or serious heart disease.

It seems like skipping breakfast leads to diseases such as diabetes, obesity, high cholesterol, and blood pressure. All of these factors have a direct impact on the risks to the heart and the health of our brain. However, the scientists assured that eating a healthy breakfast can serve as a preventive habit.

Do you have breakfast every day Is your breakfast balanced and complete? Now that you know the consequences, plan your breakfast as a nutritious, healthy meal.  Also, keep in mind that it should contain 25% of your daily calorie intake.

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