Sleeping With Mom: Good Or Bad For The Child?

Co-sleeping can have various health benefits for the child. But opinions differ, especially when it comes to older children. 

Sleeping with mom: good or bad for the child?

When a baby is born, there are as many questions and doubts as there are minutes in the day. Parents have many decisions to make and often hear opposing opinions on a variety of topics. But scientific studies can make certain decisions easier, for example when it comes to the question of whether the baby should sleep with mom or not.

In today’s article you will find different views on this topic. It is very important to keep in mind that there are many variables that are critical. For example, the age of the child, cultural or socio-economic issues play an important role.

Read on to learn more about this topic.

Sleeping with mom: is it healthy for children?

When babies sleep with their mothers

When babies sleep with their mothers
Co-Sleeping makes breastfeeding easier at night.

Various studies largely agree on the best sleeping position for babies to reduce the risk of sudden infant death syndrome. However, there are different opinions on the subject of co-sleeping and where the baby should sleep best.

Some highlight the risks of sleeping in a bed together. For example, if the parents are smokers, they put the child at risk. In addition, the risk of suffocation is greater when co-sleeping. However, the risk is lower if the baby sleeps in the same room but not in the same bed.

However, co-sleeping has a significant benefit for the mother when she breastfeeds the baby. Because this makes breastfeeding easier.

Children who sleep with mom

Most studies of co-sleeping relate to the first few months or years of life. According to this, it is mostly a question of cultural or socio-economic aspects that are decisive. 

Data suggests that there is no significant relationship between co-sleeping and the child’s cognitive ability or behavior. The reference age is 5 years.

If we take these factors into account, it confirms that it is not the same whether the mother voluntarily chooses to co-sleep or whether it is due to a lack of space. This affects the results. In addition, it is also not the same if the child temporarily sleeps with the mother, for example because he has problems sleeping, or whether this is an ongoing habit.

Should the child sleep with mom now, yes or no?

Should the child sleep with mom now, yes or no?
Opinions differ when it comes to whether co-sleeping is good or bad for the child.

Possible positive aspects

  • Stronger bond between mother and child 
  • More family time when there isn’t much time together during the day
  • Regulation of the child’s breathing
  • In specific cases, sleep problems can be alleviated.
  • Better tolerance of stress and better self-esteem

Possible negative aspects

  • The child’s sleep problems may increase, especially if the parents have insomnia.
  • The ability to socialize and be independent could be less pronounced.
  • In some cases the parents are more nervous or fearful.

Studies definitely recommend co-sleeping up to the age of 5 to 6 years. Of course, this also depends on the parents and the child themselves, because every situation is different.

The transition from co-sleeping to your own bed can take place gradually. At first you can alternate with it, or place the cot next to the parents’ bed. 

Tips to help your child sleep better

The habit of watching TV before going to bed reduces sleep time. Before going to sleep, it is better to read, tell the child a fairy tale or have a conversation with him. Massages are also very helpful in calming down nervous children.

In addition, a balanced dinner is very important. Your child should avoid stimulants such as sugar or cocoa in the evening.

Final remark

Should the child sleep with mom?
Every family has its own habits and has to decide for itself whether the child should sleep with mum or not.

It is very difficult to give general recommendations as to whether or not the child should sleep with mom. Each family has to decide for themselves whether or not co-sleeping is an option. Because, as always, there are advantages and disadvantages.

Every family has different educational values, every child is different and presents us with different challenges. Parents have to make their own experiences and judge for themselves what is best for their child.

What do you think? The debate has only just begun …

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