Simple, Homemade Cellulite Treatments

However, there are no miracle cures: regular use, patience, good eating and living habits as well as sufficient exercise and water are required.

Simple, homemade cellulite treatments

Cellulite can be treated with simple, homemade remedies. There is no need to spend a lot of money on off-the-shelf products as there are many natural cellulite treatments that will help excellently.

However, there are no miracle cures: regular use, patience, good eating and living habits as well as sufficient exercise and water are required to achieve the desired results.

In this post you will find out what you need to prepare a homemade cellulite treatment. To improve its effectiveness, it is extremely important to exfoliate the skin before using this home remedy.

A peeling massage of the affected areas helps to move the accumulated fat and pollutants under the skin and excrete them through the blood. Cellulite treatments  should therefore always start with a peeling.

Cellulite Treatments: Step 1 – Exfoliation


It’s very simple:  rub some olive or sunflower oil on the affected areas. After 15 minutes of action, you take a shower – the water should be as hot as possible (but if you have varicose veins, only lukewarm).

Then use a vegetable sponge or a natural hairbrush to thoroughly clean the affected areas with neutral soap. 

This way you can remove all dead cells and at the same time the pores are opened. The cellulite treatments that you use afterwards will penetrate better and work better. 

After a peeling, the skin should always be moisturized, preferably with regenerating oils such as olive or wild rose oil.

Step 2 (option 1): lemon and olive oil

Peel several lemons and then cover the peels with olive oil in a glass. Close the jar tightly and then let it steep for a week in a cool, dark place. The jar should be sterilized before use.

After a week, you can remove the lemon peel and dilute the oil with the same amount of olive oil. Lemons have a strong astringent and caustic effect and, if undiluted, could irritate the skin.

This home remedy is used in the evening because lemons are photosensitive and could cause burns and stains on the skin in direct sunlight.

Step 2 (option 2): Avocado seed oil

avocado seeds

You can also make a macerate with avocado seeds. For this you need four chopped avocado kernels, the smaller the better.

Avocado seeds are tough, so you’ll need to cut them before using the food processor to avoid overloading them. You can also just rub the seeds.

Then put the crushed kernels in a glass and then cover with olive, almond or sunflower oil. 

Seal the jar, then let the mixture steep for three days in a cool, dark place. Then store in the refrigerator so that no mold forms.

3rd step

Massage the lemon olive oil or avocado seed oil onto the skin for a few minutes. Then use this treatment at least once a week, better more often. 

These cellulite treatments will help fight off unsightly orange peel. You can start today.

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