Shoulder Tendonitis: Tips For A Better Sleep

If you have shoulder tendonitis, sleeping can be very uncomfortable. Therefore, it is important that you know which position to take and how to relieve the pain. In today’s article, we’re going to give you some recommendations on how to do this.

Shoulder tendonitis: tips for getting a better night's sleep

If you have shoulder tendonitis, sleeping can be quite uncomfortable and difficult. This condition causes pain, inflammation and a general feeling of weakness, which can mean that those affected can no longer cope with their everyday tasks as well. In addition, symptoms often intensify when you go to bed, which results in your inability to get a good, restful sleep.

What can you do about it? How can you keep the symptoms associated with shoulder tendonitis from affecting your nighttime rest and quality of sleep?

There are a few simple steps you can take to manage your discomfort. In today’s article, we’re going to take a quick look at the causes and then tell you how to relieve the symptoms so you can get a good night’s sleep.

What is shoulder tendonitis? What are the causes?

Shoulder tendonitis is inflammation of the tendons in the shoulder. It is often caused by repetitive movements or overexertion of the shoulder muscles. It also very often affects people who play sports such as tennis, baseball, and swimming.

In addition, it can also affect people who have a job that involves excessive pressure on this joint, as is the case with carpenters or painters. Overall, there are two types of shoulder tendonitis :

  1. In  the rotator cuff, which consists of the supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor and subscapularis muscles.
  2. In the brachialis muscle (upper arm muscle ).

The main symptom is a sensation of pain that increases with movement of the upper limb or palpation of the joint. In addition, the arm becomes weak, the affected person has difficulty lifting objects and night-time complaints.

Shoulder tendonitis - tennis player
Tennis and other sports are more likely to cause tendinitis due to the nature of the movements.

How can you sleep well if you have shoulder tendonitis?

To prevent sleep problems due to shoulder tendonitis, you need to consult a doctor. While there are some general recommendations that can help you get some rest, your doctor will need to assess the severity of your condition and then decide whether or not you need medication.

Often times, doctors recommend non-prescription anti-inflammatory drugs such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen. However, you should also visit a physical therapist to perform exercises and therapies to improve muscle strength in this area.

If this is not enough to manage symptoms and pain, a corticosteroid injection or even surgery may be required. While your injury is healing, you can still use our tips to make bedtime easier.

Treat the painful area with ice before bed

Before you go to bed, put an ice pack or cold compress on your tendonitis shoulder. As Edward R. Laskowski, MD, explains in a Mayo Clinic publication, cold relieves pain and causes blood vessels to constrict. This will reduce the inflammation.

Find an alternative sleeping position

Your sleeping position has a big impact on how quickly your shoulder tendonitis will improve. However, there is no standard position that will help you alleviate the discomfort. We therefore recommend that you try out different options and choose the most comfortable position for you.

  • Lying position. There are several ways you can sleep on your back. First of all, you can put different pillows behind your back. You can also try a comfortable recliner or an adjustable bed. For additional comfort, you can put a pillow under your injured arm to relieve it.
  • Face up. Another option is to lie on your back and place your injured arm on a pillow. This support relieves the pressure on the shoulder. This also reduces the pain.
  • On the uninjured side. In addition, you can also lie on the side that is not injured. In other words, if your left shoulder is injured, you can sleep on your right side. However, this position can be difficult for people who cannot sleep in the same position all night.
Shoulder tendonitis - man cannot sleep
Good sleep hygiene and sleeping position are elements that must be considered to relieve pain from shoulder tendonitis.

Good sleeping habits are very important

To support the recovery process from shoulder tendonitis, a good night’s sleep is of great importance. Because poor sleep quality leads to stress, which in turn makes rehabilitation more difficult. Therefore, in addition to the recommendations above, you should also ensure that you acquire healthy sleeping habits. We recommend the following measures in particular:

  • Make sure you sleep regularly . You should go to bed and get up at the same time each day.
  • Avoid using mobile devices, computers, and the television right before bed.
  • In addition, you should limit the consumption of stimulants such as caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol, especially after 4 p.m.
  • You should also have a healthy dinner at least 2 hours before bed .

Can’t sleep because of your shoulder tendonitis?

Symptoms of shoulder tendonitis are not only present throughout the day, but can also affect the quality of your sleep. So it is a good idea to put these recommendations into practice. If the pain still doesn’t improve, it is best to see a doctor.

As mentioned above, in some cases the injury requires a pharmacological or surgical approach. If symptoms are severe and do not improve after self-treatment, you should see a doctor in good time so that you can receive professional treatment.

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