Removing Calluses Naturally: Home Remedies For Beautiful Feet

So that the calluses can be removed naturally, they must first be softened. A pumice stone can also be very helpful in removing the hardening on your feet. 

Removing calluses naturally: home remedies for beautiful feet

Our feet carry us day in and day out and are heavily stressed, so regular foot care is of great importance. Of course, you should also remove the  cornea,  otherwise discomfort and pain can arise.

With the home remedies for beautiful feet that we are introducing to you today, you can naturally remove calluses from your hands  These natural remedies are easy and inexpensive to use.

How is the cornea formed?

The regrowing keratin pushes the dead keranocytes and the horny cells to the surface of the skin and over time this leads to hardening and calluses. Constant rubbing or pressure can also cause painful areas on the feet or hands.

The heels and the sides of the feet are most affected, with incorrect footwear being the main cause of the hardened cornea. This forms a protection for areas that are continuously exposed to pressure and friction. 

Calluses can also develop on the hands if tools are used repeatedly or pressure points appear in certain areas for other reasons.

If you do sports and don’t wear the right socks or shoes, or if you don’t walk properly, calluses can also develop. In worse cases, it can even lead to bone deformities.

It should be noted that calluses and corns are not the same.

  • A corn is also caused by the local keratinization of the skin through pressure or friction, but a corneal cone is formed that extends deep into the skin.
  • Corns can cause severe pain when touched or when walking.

Remove calluses naturally

It is best to have professional foot care by a podiatrist, who can determine the causes and remove the cornea if necessary. But natural home remedies can also be very helpful for regular foot care.

Then you will find different ways that you can naturally remove calluses.

1. Aspirin and Lemon

Remove calluses naturally with aspirin

The combination of aspirin and lemon helps soften the callus so that it can then be removed more easily with pumice stone.


  • 7 aspirin
  • Juice of one lemon


  • Use a mortar to pulverize the aspirin.
  • Squeeze the lemon and mix the juice with the aspirin powder.
  • If necessary, you can add a little water until a homogeneous paste is formed.
  • Apply this home remedy generously to the cleansed and dried cornea.
  • Wrap a plastic film around the area and let it work for 20 minutes.
  • Then rinse with hot water and rub the skin gently with a pumice stone.

2. onion

Not only does the onion have antiseptic properties,  it also softens the skin, helping to remove the hardening. All you need is a few days of patience.

Halve an onion, otherwise you don’t need any ingredients.

  • Rub half an onion into the cornea, then put on socks.
  • Let the onion juice sit all night long. Rinse off the next day.
  • Repeat this treatment every evening for at least a week.

    3. Chamomile tea

    Naturally remove calluses with chamomile

    Chamomile tea has calming properties and a pleasant aroma. In addition, this drink can also balance the pH of the skin.

    When it is hot or with closed shoes, the foot sweats and calluses develop due to additional pressure. You can reduce sweat production and hardening with chamomile. 

    Make chamomile tea and bathe your feet in it as soon as the temperature is comfortable.

    4. Pumice stone

    If your feet are prone to hardening, you should always have a pumice stone on hand. You can use this on wet or dry skin to remove the callus.

    • Before doing this, wash the skin thoroughly with skin-friendly soap.
    • Rub the skin with the pumice stone using circular, gentle motions to  prevent injury.
    • If you always have the pumice stone on hand in the bathroom, you can use it after every shower.

    5. Garlic

    Naturally remove calluses with garlic

    This home remedy is very effective at softening hardened skin and removing the callus. You can finish this treatment with the pumice stone.


    • 1 clove of garlic
    • 2 tablespoons of olive oil (32 g)


    • Crush the garlic or use the press to crush it.
    • Then mix with the olive oil until a paste is formed.
    • Apply this to the cornea and wrap the area with plastic wrap.
    • Put on socks and let this home remedy work all night long.
    • Rinse off with lukewarm water the next morning.
    • Repeat this treatment every day for a week.

    6. Tomatoes

    Naturally remove calluses with tomatoes

    Tomatoes have many skin health benefits and can also remove calluses naturally.

    • All you need is one tomato that you puree.
    • Apply this home remedy to the  cornea and bandage the area.
    • Let the remedy work all night and rinse it off with water the next morning.
    • We recommend using this treatment every day for a week.

    7. Apple cider vinegar

    Apple cider vinegar contains acids that can be used to soften the hardening so that the skin becomes smoother.

    This natural product has a similar effect to chamomile,  because it can also regulate the pH value of the skin and control sweat production. 

    • Use apple cider vinegar before exercise to prevent excessive sweating as well as rubbing the skin to avoid calluses.

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