Remedies Made From Garlic And Honey For The Liver

The garlic cloves have to be opened so that their active ingredients can pass into the honey. If possible, organic honey should be used

Remedies made from garlic and honey for the liver

Fans of naturopathy claim that this garlic and honey  remedy for the liver is very effective when it comes to protecting this organ.

Not only is it rich in vitamins and antioxidants, which help your stressed liver to regenerate, but it also works as a natural antibiotic.

During preparation, care should be taken to ensure that organic honey is used. Only really pure honey can convey the effects that we describe below.

Otherwise processed honey often loses some health-promoting properties.

To restore your inner balance, there is nothing better than combining garlic from organic cultivation – if possible from our own cultivation – with that healthy organic honey.

This remedy will help you to detoxify your organism and thus relieve your liver and strengthen your immune system.

However, if you suspect liver disease or feel unwell, please see a doctor!

Just one tablespoon of garlic honey a day goes a long way towards keeping your liver healthy. Do you want to try it out?

Benefits of Garlic and Honey for the Liver

We should never forget that the liver is essential to health and wellbeing and that we should therefore take great care of it.

This includes choosing a healthy lifestyle in which tobacco and alcohol play a role as little as possible. You should also make sure you have a healthy, balanced diet and regular exercise.

Otherwise, your liver will eventually bill you for your habits.

On one or the other day you have probably found yourself bloated and uncomfortable, generally limp and with an unpleasant taste in your mouth.

Digestion is often very sluggish at these moments. But what is the reason for this malaise?

One possible cause is a saturated, overworked liver. She fails to detoxify, which is a burden on the body.

Possible causes lie in lifestyle and diet. Of course, the only thing that will help is a change to healthier habits. A visit to the doctor can confirm this and support appropriate therapy.

A healthy liver also helps clean blood flow throughout the body and improve blood circulation overall.

In this way, important nutrients arrive in all cells while the liver has already filtered toxins from the blood.

Blood circulation, liver function and, above all, the work of the excretory organs, kidneys and intestines, are easier if you  drink enough water.

The liver needs certain amounts of antioxidants such as vitamin C to perform its function and to regenerate itself.

The home remedy made from garlic and honey for the liver is an excellent source to support the necessary liver protection every day. But how does that work in detail?

Liver in the human body

Garlic and its beneficial effects on the liver

Many people consume garlic on an empty stomach.

If you could never bring yourself to do this, because you always feared bad breath or because you just don’t like to chew raw garlic cloves, the garlic honey presented here is an interesting alternative.

By the way, garlic can also be used to make tea!

Garlic contains the active ingredient allicin, which is a potent antioxidant, antibiotic and antifungal agent. The liver benefits enormously from this incredible combination of effects.

Pathogenic germs that may burden the organism are supposedly killed. The liver can concentrate fully on its central task of detoxification.

The proteins, amino acids and metabolites in garlic honey would support bowel function and possibly help regulate  cholesterol levels .

Organic honey for a healthy liver

Honey is the nectar of the gods – nature could hardly have created this treasure trove of glucose, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants for any other purpose . Some say it also protects the liver.

Honey is a natural antibiotic and also has an anti-inflammatory effect. One of the ingredients that is responsible for this effect is the inhibin.

The body supposedly absorbs the glucose contained in honey quickly. This means that it does not have to be converted into energy-supplying substances at great expense. So it does not represent an additional burden on the metabolism, but only an extra portion of energy.

Rosemary honey is best suited to protect our central metabolic organ.

How to make a remedy from garlic and honey

Garlic and honey for the liver

What do I need?

  • a couple of cloves of garlic
  • enough honey to pour over them
  • a closable glass vessel

And how is the remedy prepared?

  • First the garlic cloves are separated and peeled. Then they have to be cut lengthways so that their active ingredients can better pass into the honey, which we will come to in the next step.
  • The cut garlic cloves are placed in the glass jar and slowly poured with honey.
  • Why slow So that as few air bubbles as possible get caught between the toes. If that happens anyway, you can remove it with a spoon.
  • Covered airtight, the remedy will ripen best. Therefore, seal the glass jar airtight and let it stand for a week.
  • You can now consume the remedy.

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