Recognize And React To Signs Of Skin Cancer

Skin cancer is a widespread disease, but it can be treated well if detected early. It is therefore extremely important to identify signs of skin cancer and treat the disease as quickly as possible.

Recognize and respond to signs of skin cancer

Skin cancer is a widespread disease, but it can be treated well if detected early. It is therefore extremely important   to identify signs of skin cancer and treat the disease as quickly as possible.

Frequent exposure to the sun increases the risk of skin cancer. It should not be forgotten that artificial radiation in the tanning salon also promotes this skin disease! The perfect tan is unfortunately harmful to the skin and also makes you old! 

Then learn more about the signs of  skin cancer so you can spot them as quickly as possible.

How to prevent skin cancer

Recognize and prevent the signs of skin cancer

Short sunbaths are important to synthesize vitamin D. However, you should avoid the intense radiation at lunchtime and only tan briefly. 

Be responsible even when you are on holiday on the beach and do not overdo it with sunbathing! Always use sufficient, high-quality sun protection. 

Wear sunscreen every day, not just on the beach or in the mountains! You should protect your skin, especially when you train in the fresh air!

Behavior on the beach

Skin cancer signs and behavior on the beach

You need to take special precautions on the beach. Apply the  sunscreen 30 minutes before sunbathing so that it can take effect. Don’t forget to reapply the cream every two hours. Even if you come out of the water or sweat a lot, you have to keep putting on lotion.

Certain clothing and accessories such as hats can also protect your body from direct UV radiation.

Birthmarks and Melanomas

Signs of skin cancer such as melanoma

Keeping an eye on your moles  is one of the most effective ways to spot potential diseases early on.

You should definitely see a doctor as soon as you notice the first visible changes.

Be aware that birthmarks can develop malignantly.  To identify melanoma, the following changes in birthmarks must be observed:

  • Growth in size and scope
  • Irregular shape
  • Irregular edges

They may also start itching and bleeding. Color changes can also occur: brown or black birthmarks can turn red, blue or white.

Other signs of skin cancer

Also, watch spots, bumps, and sore skin areas.  An altered surface (rough or very soft to the touch) could also be a sign of skin cancer.

Places that bleed when touched lightly and wounds that do not want to heal should also be examined by an expert.

Risk factors

Skin cancer signs and triggers

Irresponsible exposure to direct sunlight or regular use of tanning salons are the top causes of skin cancer. But there are also other risk factors:

  • Genetic predisposition
  • Radiation or X-ray therapy
  • An unbalanced diet can also have a negative impact on the health of your skin and its ability to regenerate.
  • Smoking is another major health risk. Smoking on the beach in the midday heat without sunscreen on your skin increases the risk even further.
  • Avoid direct contact with very harsh chemicals, such as arsenic, tar, paraffin, and certain industrial oils.
  • Skin injuries, sores, or burns are risks, especially if not treated properly.

Heat stroke can either be harmless if treated promptly by a professional or become a risk factor for skin cancer.

Detecting the signs of skin cancer early is key to defeating the disease. Without becoming paranoid, you should never ignore potential signs of skin cancer.

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