Recipe For Homemade Guacamole

Homemade guacamole is one of those delicacies that taste particularly good freshly prepared and are so much better than finished products!

Homemade guacamole recipe

There are certainly as many homemade guacamole recipes out there as there are housewives in Mexico. At least! But once you have understood the basic principle, you can develop your own recipes for homemade guacamole from the basic recipe .

Homemade guacamole as a quick recipe

Homemade Gaucamole is actually so easy that it is incomprehensible why there is this delicious invention in plastic trays on the cooling shelf.

Guacamole essentially consists of avocado, which, like any other fruit or vegetable, retains its valuable properties best if it is stored whole and only cut up shortly before traffic.

In contrast to homemade guacamole, the finished guacamole from the refrigerated shelf is nothing more than an avocado that was pureed a few days ago and protected from spoilage with preservatives. Or do you have all the ingredients that are on the label of a purchased guacamole in the kitchen cupboard? Definitely not!

Homemade guacamole is actually nothing more than a quick recipe for situations in which you have nothing in the house, but have to “conjure up” something quickly. Homemade guacamole is super quick to make as:

  • healthy bread topping
  • bright green cold sauce
  • Dip with vegetable sticks (or chips)
  • healthy substitute for sandwich or salad creams
  • green ingredient for healthy smoothies

You will see how many occasions homemade guacamole goes well. Homemade guacamole is always a good idea to quickly conjure up something special, especially when guests are suddenly at the door.

Preparation tips

Basically, if you like homemade guacamole, you should always have an avocado on hand in the fruit basket. The avocados that you can buy in stores in Central Europe are never ripe and always too hard and tasteless to be prepared directly. Avocados, which are actually sold ripe as “flight avocados”, are an exception.

So only use a ripe and soft avocado. Hard avocados have no aroma and are almost impossible to process into homemade guacamole. As soon as you cut the avocado, the cut surface will turn brown, the avocado will oxidize and change its taste as a result of the oxidation. It becomes bitter.

Therefore, always have some lemon juice ready when you prepare homemade guacamole. The acid prevents the reaction and means that the finished guacamole also remains appetizingly green. The principle is the same for apples.

Basic recipe

The basic recipe for homemade guacamole consists of just a few ingredients:

  • 1 avocado
  • Juice of half a lemon
  • salt
  • 1 very small onion

Remove the flesh of the avocado from the core and shell and put all ingredients together in the blender or puree them with the hand blender to a creamy cream. If you don’t have such kitchen utensils, you can also cut the onion into tiny cubes and mash the avocado meat with a fork. Finished!

Recipe variants

Fresh coriander leaves are part of many dishes in Mexico. This is also the case in many homemade guacamole recipes. The leaves are simply mashed with and seasoned with their characteristic taste. Other optional ingredients are:

  • Small diced tomatoes
  • Diced pepper
  • Chilli pepper
  • pepper
  • garlic
  • parsley
  • chives
  • Shallots

There are no limits to your imagination!

Low-fat variant

Avocado fat is one of the healthy fats. Vegetable fats should always be preferred over any animal fats. Still, fat has a very high calorie density, and those who need to count calories may be interested in lowering the calorie content of homemade guacamole.

This works really well when you have a hand blender or blender. The avocado contains pectins and other fiber that swell with liquid. Carefully add sip by sip of water to your guacamole and continue to puree slowly but steadily. Alternatively, you can also puree tomatoes.

If the homemade guacamole has become too runny due to the addition of liquid or if you have more hungry mouths to feed than avocados in the fruit basket, another trick is to puree white bread without crust or white toast bread with it. This results in a firmer consistency despite the higher water content. Try out how you can “stretch” guacamole!

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