Recipe For A High-potassium Shake With Melon, Cucumber And Apple

Melon and cucumber contain a lot of potassium and can contribute to the healthy functioning of the heart muscle

Recipe for a high-potassium shake with melon, cucumber and apple

The recipe for our  high-potassium shake provides our body with tons of great nutrients for the body. Melon and cucumber come from similar families botanically, so it’s no surprise that both are high in potassium.

With their soluble and insoluble fiber, apples ensure healthy digestion. Try a mix of these three in a deliciously refreshing, potassium-rich shake !

Why melon and cucumber?

Melons and cucumbers are very low in calories and therefore ideal for a healthy diet. 100g melon contain only about 35 calories and many healthy minerals! 100g cucumber are even lower in calories. At 16 kcal / 100g, it contains only about half the calories of melon!

Melons are rich in vitamin A, sodium and vitamin C, and cucumbers also have a good portion of both vitamins under their green skin.

However, it is particularly important that it has a high potassium content. A 100g piece of melon has a total of 228 mg of potassium, the same size piece of cucumber has 147 mg.

Since you can only get it through food, potassium is a particularly important substance for you. Our body cannot produce potassium itself.

Potassium is important for the correct transmission of stimuli in the muscles (muscle cramps also occur with a potassium deficiency, not only with a magnesium deficiency!), But also for optimal stimulus conduction in the heart. Potassium can thus prevent cardiac arrhythmias.

In addition, potassium regulates cell growth, your blood pressure and the acid-base balance, influences the release of certain hormones (e.g. insulin) and is important for carbohydrate utilization and protein synthesis.

Increasing potassium intake can therefore lower blood pressure.

Melon and cucumber and spinach for a high-potassium shake

Which melons and cucumbers are suitable?

For this potassium-rich shake, you should opt for honey or sugar melon.

A honey or sugar melon is ripe when it smells slightly in the shop, when you smell its peel. If it doesn’t, you can still buy it and store it with a few apples in the fruit basket for a while.

If you want it to ripen faster, put it in a well-sealed plastic bag that also contains a few apples. The apples secrete a ripening gas that helps other fruits to ripen. Only a fully ripe melon has its full aroma!

If possible, choose an organically grown melon. Even if you don’t eat the peel with you, the fruit will absorb some pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides with the water as it grows.

If you choose a conventionally grown melon, you should wash it very thoroughly before slicing it. In this way you prevent the pesticides from getting into the food during further processing!

With cucumbers, too, you should use gruises from certified organic cultivation. You can eat the peel with you, because it has not been treated with pesticides, fungicides or waxes.

The peel is an important source of healthy fiber and is an additional “health point” for the snake-like vegetables.

Apples for a high-potassium shake

Why apple?

The apple is a real all-rounder! It is not only a supplier of vitamins, but also a supplier of minerals, fiber, digestive aid, remedy and satiety-maker all in one!

There are many minerals in apples, there are more than 20! These delicious fruits contain high amounts of magnesium and potassium in particular.

There are also around 30 vitamins in an apple! To list them all would be too much of a good thing, but the number alone certainly shows you how healthy an apple is! The most important vitamins in it are: provitamin A, vitamin B1, B2, B6, lots of vitamin C, vitamin E and also niacin and folic acid.

Studies have shown that polyphenols (a type of secondary plant substance) protect against colon cancer. There are a particularly large number of polyphenols in fresh, crunchy apples, for example.

Apples contain soluble and insoluble fiber. These are also helpful for preventing colon cancer. Studies also suggest that a high-fiber breakfast can even lower cholesterol.

Apples are generally high in fiber. They contain even more if you don’t peel them, but eat them with the peel (organic quality!). As a juice, apples have no fiber – and even more calories than sweet lemonade! We therefore recommend the smoothie instead of juice in order to fully utilize the fiber!

Which apple variety is best for the potassium-rich shake?

Which apple type for the smoothie?

The fruit counter is full of different apples. They are red, yellow, green, piebald, large, small, juicy, woody, sweet or sour. The choice is difficult. In general, you should buy the apples that come from your home country, i.e. from regional origins.

An apple that is shipped to us from New Zealand can never be as fresh and rich in vitamins as an apple from the fruit grower around the corner!

A second tip is to give preference to old apple varieties. With new breeds, the focus is on rapid growth, sweet taste and resistance to pests and diseases – not on the optimal composition of the herbal ingredients!

And in order to be able to consume the bowl with a clear conscience, you should  generally always buy organically grown fruit!

Recipe for a high-potassium shake: melon, cucumber and apple smoothie

Recipe for a refreshing, potassium-rich shake with melon, cucumber and apple

First of all, it is important: Sugar never belongs in a smoothie! In summer you can also add a few ice cubes to the blender. This turns the healthy smoothie into a great, healthy ice cream substitute!

Please do not confuse smoothies with “mixed milk drinks”, these contain dairy products and are therefore much more rich in calories – and also in fat! For this high-potassium shake you will need:

  • 1 apple
  • 1 cucumber
  • 200g melon
  • 150ml water (or more, depending on your taste)

The preparation of the smoothie is very simple: remove the core of the apple and wash it thoroughly. If it is organically grown, you don’t have to peel it. If it comes from conventional cultivation, remove the shell. Now cut the apple into small pieces.

Proceed with the cucumber as with the apple : if it is “organic”, you can use the additional fiber in the cucumber skin; if the cucumber is not “organic”, you have to peel it. If you buy organic fruit and vegetables in the future, you will save yourself this step!

Peel the melon and remove the seeds. Then weigh out about 200g and cut them into large cubes so that they can be chopped up better and faster in the blender later.

Now put all the ingredients in the stand mixer / blender and pour in the water. Then process everything into a creamy smoothie.

You should drink it immediately after preparation, otherwise the apple will turn brown. To prevent this, you can also add a little lemon juice. In summer, you can also add ice cubes before pureeing if your blender is powerful enough. If not, just add the ice cubes before serving!

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