Proper Nutrition For Autoimmune Diseases

If you have an autoimmune disease, you should definitely change your diet.

Proper nutrition for autoimmune diseases

In the case of autoimmune diseases , diet should be changed because it plays a fundamental role in relieving symptoms and slowing the course of the disease. It is important to adapt the nutrition plan to individual needs, but there are also general rules that should be observed.

Today we will show you which foods you should avoid and which you should regularly include in your diet. 

What are autoimmune diseases?

When the regulatory mechanisms of the immune system fail, attack one’s own body and destroy organs or tissues, one speaks of autoimmune diseases. Over 80 different autoimmune diseases are currently  known. These include, for example, celiac disease, rheumatoid arthritis or multiple sclerosis.

What to do about autoimmune diseases

When an autoimmune disease is diagnosed, an autoimmune protocol is usually initiated to adjust diet accordingly.

What is the autoimmune protocol?

Not only can this nutritional protocol be used for autoimmune diseases, it’s a great option for healthy people as well.

An autoimmune protocol (AIP) is an exclusion diet designed to ban substances from the diet that are harmful to the body. Many of the bases of the autoimmune protocol correspond to the paleo diet.

As a rule, grains, legumes, dairy products and added sugar are avoided. In the initial phase, however, inflammatory foods that could harm the digestive system are also  excluded. 

You should avoid foods that irritate the intestines or cause inflammatory reactions. An unbalanced intestinal flora is closely related to autoimmune diseases.

Other foods to avoid in autoimmune diseases

The first thing to do is to  remove unhealthy, industrially produced snacks from your diet. These are counterproductive and can negatively affect autoimmune diseases.

no meat in autoimmune diseases?

Certain  meat products and sausages are also not recommended. In addition, you should avoid fish such as salmon or tuna, which contain heavy metals.

Autoimmune Protocol Result

Virtually all people who adhere to this diet can improve their situation, alleviate symptoms and slow down the disease, or in some cases even reverse certain effects. Of course, it depends on the type of chronic illness. 

Autoimmune diseases cannot be cured,  so the change in diet must take place indefinitely. You have to adapt throughout your life to experience as few symptoms as possible.

Foods that are healthy for autoimmune diseases

In the case of autoimmune diseases, foods that provide a lot of energy, that is, are rich in carbohydrates but do not contain gluten, are generally recommended  These include, for example, potatoes, yucca, sweet potatoes and tapioca.

These foods  are very healthy for breakfast or at any other time of the day. You can also eat them in soups, salads or as chips.

Yuca for autoimmune diseases

In addition, foods with healthy fatty acids should not be missing. These include, for example, avocados, seeds and vegetable oils. Oily fish also belongs to this group, but as already mentioned, the risk of high heavy metal content is very high here.

These foods contain  omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which have powerful anti-inflammatory effects. Avoid fried foods, however. You shouldn’t warm up the healthy vegetable oils!

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