Pain In The Arm: What Is The Cause?

Typing on the computer or using the mouse as well as other repetitive hand movements are common triggers of arm pain. But there are other causes as well.

Arm pain: what is the cause?

It is not uncommon for  arm pain to occur,  which can be attributed to a wide variety of causes. This area contains muscles, veins, nerves and tendons that can become inflamed and cause pain when overloaded.

Typing on the computer or using the mouse and other repetitive hand movements are common triggers of  arm pain. 

One-sided movement patterns can shorten fasciae and cause tension. Shortened muscles increase the pressure on the joints and also damage the periosteum. This often leads to symptoms such as pain, swelling, or numbness. But there are other causes of arm pain as well.

How does arm pain arise?

1. Pulled muscle

Pulled muscles lead to forearm pain

This is caused by overstretching the muscles, especially by lifting heavy weights or through endurance sports. Other sudden, uncoordinated movements can also cause it. The muscle fibers are not damaged in the process (as in a muscle tear or a muscle fiber tear). The pain usually develops gradually. 

Typical symptoms are pain, muscle cramps, muscle malnutrition and impaired muscle function.

  • A cold compress can help reduce swelling.
  • In addition, the arm is usually immobilized for three to six weeks. Compression from a pressure bandage is also helpful.

2. Swollen lymph nodes

Lymphadenopathy is also used in technical terms. If you have swollen lymph nodes under your armpits, you may experience pain in your arm.

Common symptoms are:

  • fever
  • Swelling
  • Pain when touched
  • Redness
  • deafness
  • Hot feeling

The doctor can determine the causes by doing a blood test. In some cases, a biopsy is also required as it could be cancer.

3. Heart attack or angina pectoris

Heart attack causes pain in the arm

Angina means chest tightness. This leads to sudden pain in the heart area and a feeling of pressure in the chest area. The cause is a lack of oxygen in the heart. In this case, the emergency doctor must be called immediately because there is a risk of death. 

It is a warning sign of a possible heart attack.

The following symptoms can occur:

  • fatigue
  • dizziness
  • nausea
  • excessive sweating

Pain can also extend into the arm. Acting quickly can save lives in this case.

4. Acne inversa

Acne inversa, also known as hidatenitis suppurativa (HS), is a chronic inflammatory skin disease. This is caused by inflammation of the hair follicles. 

The result is inflammatory nodules, pus, fistulas and scars. This skin disease is common under the armpits, so it can also cause arm pain. Other common areas of the body are the chest, groin, abdominal folds, and genital area.

The following factors increase the risk of acne inversa:

  • Obesity
  • Smoke
  • weak immune system
  • hormonal changes

5. Breast cancer

Breast cancer causes arm pain

With breast cancer, you can also feel discomfort in the arm if the lymph nodes are affected.

The following symptoms can occur:

  • retracted nipple
  • Lump in the breast tissue
  • Redness and itching
  • flaky skin around the nipples
  • Change in the size or shape of the breast

6. Reflux disease

If the esophagus becomes inflamed, some of the pain in reflux disease spreads to the back, chest, or arms.

This happens when the acidic stomach contents flow back into the esophagus. The pain can be very uncomfortable. 

7. Anxiety

Anxiety causes arm pain

Stress, fear or nervousness can also lead to pain in the arm, among other things  Worry and emotional pain are very often expressed through physical discomfort. In this case, you should allow yourself more time to relax and learn to manage stress better.

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