My Child Is My Weakness And My Strength

Whoever has a child matures all of a sudden and lets an unconditional love awaken within them. It is not even necessary to give birth to it to know that you would do anything for it.

My child is my weakness and my strength

Becoming a mother or father is an experience that changes us forever and makes us stronger. If you until recently believed that you were a weak, insecure person, but then held your child in your arms , then you will realize that you will get the best out of yourself for that child .

Your child is your weakness, but this sincere and incomparable love that you feel for him and that nothing and no one can take away from you is a strength. Nothing makes you happy as much as seeing your child happy, and nothing motivates you so much to get on with your everyday life.

You are his mainstay in life, his castle of love, his world full of feelings and the hand that shows him the world.

As the saying goes, we don’t know what we owe our parents until we raise a child ourselves. There is some truth to this saying, but unfortunately not every childhood is happy.

That is why we have to be clear that every upbringing demands our best. Today we invite you to reflect a little on this topic.

Be strong in life – for your children

Sleeping child

Not so long ago you were your own rock. On sad days you could just withdraw and reflect on yourself and the world and make a decision for yourself.

Now, with a child by your side, you know that grief must be overcome quickly in order to show your child your best side again. You emerge from it stronger than ever before and become solid as a rock again – for someone else.

Children need security

Children need security in their everyday life, so we have to show them strength and maturity. In an existing equilibrium, it will feel that it is calm and secure and can grow up cheerful and happy.

Life is complicated. It will not always be easy to exude the optimism our children seek in our eyes. Sometimes things won’t go the way we imagine at work, or in a relationship, or, or, right?

But even in difficult times you are an anchor in your child’s life. So that they can continue to worry, you get the best out of yourself. You teach him that despite all the stumbling blocks and rainstorms that life has in store for us, it’s fun to jump into the puddles and that you then open an umbrella for him.

Showing your child strength takes courage and perseverance, but while your children see you strong, they will remain convinced that the world is a fantastic place, simply because the mother or father, their caregiver, is always by their side.

mother with child

Love for a child has no expiration date

There is love that lasts forever. It is impossible to destroy the love for your child, it will be there as long as you are around. This love is not free from disappointments either, but the bond that exists between a parent and their child can cope with these setbacks.

Your child turned your world upside down when they entered it. It forced you to mature and take responsibility.

It taught you that your words mean a lot, can educate, give and receive love. Your caresses are important, your hugs give him the strength to keep looking ahead in difficult times. Thanks to you, your child does not have to fear the dark because you will never leave them alone in it.

Loving mother and child

We educate ourselves with it

It could also be said that while we are raising our children, we are raising ourselves. We look for the best in ourselves when we have long since given up in a comparable situation without children. We judge our behavior very differently and look for an environment that enables them to develop healthily.

We learn about psychology, nutrition and medicine. We build locks and tailor dolls clothes. We are confidants, living handkerchiefs that dry tears. We can magic away nightmares and fight monsters under the bed. And which child doesn’t have the best chef in the world as mom or dad?

Growing children

Children grow a little every day and are constantly discovering new things. We grow with them and should take an example from their urge to discover in order to broaden our own horizons and sometimes see things from a different perspective.

Your child is the heart that beats in your chest and all your hope. You cannot promise him that you will be there until the end of his life, at least until yours.

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