Lose Weight With Lemon, Ginger And Chia Seeds

With the drink made from ginger, lemon and chia seeds that we present to you today, you can regulate the intestinal transit and lose weight more easily.

Lose weight with lemon, ginger and chia seeds

Many have the dream of reaching the desired weight, with a particular focus on health. So today we explain to you how you  can lose weight more easily with lemon,  ginger and chia seeds.

Eating should be a pleasure, because if you constantly count calories or have to go hungry, you will not be able to withstand a diet for long. In addition, a long-term change in diet is important in order to actually achieve the goal.

By regularly consuming certain foods in addition to a balanced diet,  weight loss can be made easier. 

For example, diuretic, fat-burning and fiber-containing ingredients are very important in the daily diet in order to achieve a healthy weight.

So find out today how you can achieve your goals  faster with lemon,  ginger and chia seeds. 

Lose weight healthily

Lose weight with lemon

Diets are often associated with large sacrifices and starvation. But that need not be!

A long-term change in diet is important. And of course you should also pay attention to healthy lifestyle habits in order to actually achieve a healthy weight. 

Below is a recipe that will help you with this even if you take it regularly.

Lose weight more easily with lemon, ginger and chia seeds

Foods that require a lot of energy from the body to process are particularly helpful for losing weight. We will then introduce you to the ingredients of our today’s recipe  so that you know exactly about all the advantages. 


The lemon has a cleansing, base-forming and antioxidant effect. Therefore, this citrus fruit should not be missing in your diet! 

You can use it to stimulate fat burning and  drain away fluids stored in the tissue. You can also quench your appetite with lemon, making it easier for you to avoid unhealthy snacks.

Buy organically grown lemons to process the peel as well. It contains very valuable active ingredients that will help you lose weight. 



This hot root also has a lot to offer: It stimulates the metabolism and helps you break down calories. In addition, ginger regulates blood sugar levels and curbs appetite.

Chia seeds

Chia seeds are a perfect supplement for losing weight in a healthy way and regulating bowel functions. They help relieve constipation and cleanse the intestines.

These tiny seeds also  relieve gas and promote intestinal transit. In addition, they have numerous other health-promoting properties as they have antioxidant properties and contain important proteins and fiber.

To achieve the desired effects, it is important to always soak the seeds  in water for a few hours  before consuming them.

Lemon, ginger and chia seed drink for weight loss

Lemon drink for weight loss

Ingredients for 1 day

  • 1 well-cleaned organically grown lemon
  • one tablespoon of chia seeds (14 g)
  • 1 piece of grated ginger (or a teaspoon of ginger powder) (2.5 g)
  • 2 glasses of water (400 ml)
  • If desired, a little stevia to sweeten the drink.


The preparation is very simple, just follow these steps:

  • The evening before, soak the chia seeds in two glasses of water.
  • The next morning, these are then processed well together with the remaining ingredients in the blender.
  • To increase the effect, we recommend adding the lemon zest, which contains more valuable active ingredients than the pulp itself.
  • If you wish, you can sweeten the drink with stevia.

How is this drink consumed?

As soon as all the ingredients are well processed, you can serve the drink.

  • Have a glass of it in the morning on an empty stomach.
  • You drink another glass in the morning and
  • the last glass in the afternoon.

It is advisable to take a 15-day course and repeat this every 3 months.

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