Lose Weight Quickly And Healthily: 7 Tips

Sufficient sleep is very important in order to be able to lose weight quickly and to promote health. You should sleep for at least 6 hours without a break!

Lose weight quickly and healthily: 7 tips

Losing weight quickly without putting your health at risk is not as difficult as you usually think.

No extraordinary means are required to lose weight , nor are intensive training in the fitness center or starvation required.

One can achieve one’s desired goal of losing weight by changing various habits.

Certain living and eating habits depend heavily on culture and upbringing, we are usually not even aware of them.

However, if you are willing to change various habits and show willpower and perseverance, you can achieve your goal.

For example, you can  reduce your consumption of sugar by not buying any. To put this into practice, of course, you also need support from your family.

In addition, you should realize that a diet that is only followed for a while is of little use. A permanent change in eating habits is important.

If you want to reach your desired weight, you have to eat healthy every day, because short-term diets only lead to the yo-yo effect.

Eating healthy is a must, not an entertaining option.

Then you will find 7 tips that will help you lose weight in a healthy and fast way. All you have to do is put these recommendations into practice!

1. Medical examination


To lose weight in a healthy way, it is advisable to start with a medical check-up.

Weight gain can sometimes be caused by a disease,  an example of which is hypothyroidism, which is very common.

  • At the beginning of a change in diet, it is very important to know about various health factors, such as cholesterol levels, blood sugar levels, blood pressure, etc.
  • If you want to lose weight quickly and healthily, you have to be ready to do sports. In order to avoid unnecessary risks, heart problems, anemia or other ailments, for example, should be ruled out, as these lead to rapid fatigue.

Do not doubt it: Have a check-up, then you can implement the following recommendations after consulting your doctor.

2. Lukewarm water with lemon in the morning on an empty stomach

We know you already know this simple home remedy. Maybe you already drink a glass of water with a squirt of lemon every day.

  • A glass of water with lemon in the morning on an empty stomach is a very helpful way of removing  pollutants, caring for  the liver, preventing constipation and preparing the organism for a healthy diet.
  • If the juice from a whole lemon is too intense for you, try a little less so you can slowly get used to it.

It’s a very simple but wonderful home remedy.

3. Exercise 10 minutes before breakfast to lose weight faster


After drinking the water with lemon, you can get your body going with simple aerobic exercises.

  • A perfect moment to move the body and stimulate fat burning.
  • The insulin level is slightly lower than normal at this point,  so the energy required for exercise is obtained directly from the fat reserves. 
  • 10 minutes is enough to get going. You can take turns doing different exercises every day: squats, yoga … or you can dance if you like it more.

4. Oats for breakfast

Oats are especially excellent for breakfast. Under no circumstances should you go without breakfast and should make sure that it is varied and balanced.

  • If you want to lose weight,  you should definitely not skip main meals!

    This slows down the metabolism, there is a low sugar level and you are very hungry for the next meal.

    • A cup of oatmeal provides essential fiber and minerals (such as iron, sodium, zinc, magnesium, potassium, and folic acid).
    • In addition, oatmeal contains omega-6 fatty acids and linoleic acid, which help regulate cholesterol levels.

    5. Consume natural foods and avoid ready-made products


    This point may not be easy to implement, but you will benefit in many ways.

    • Fruit and vegetables should always be consumed fresh.
    • Avoid sweets, pastries, salt, white flour, sausages, and aperitifs.
    • Replace white bread with whole grain bread.
    • Noodles and rice should also be consumed in whole grain quality.
    • Reduce the consumption of sauces such as mayonnaise and ketchup as well as cheese spread etc.
    • Avoid carbonated drinks and packaged juices. Only drink natural beverages.

    6. Half an hour of exercise twice a day to help you lose weight

    To lose weight quickly, you need to exercise. So that it doesn’t get too strenuous, you can incorporate half an hour of exercise at different times of the day.

    • Immediately after getting up 10 minutes.
    • At lunchtime, 20 minutes (if you do very intense exercises, the effect is stronger).
    • In the afternoon or evening it is advisable to walk or run. Avoid exposure to the sun at lunchtime when the sun is intense. Half an hour is sufficient.

      7. Sleep at least 6 hours continuously


      You may be amazed,  but getting enough sleep is very important to avoid obesity  and reduce the risk of diabetes.

      • If you have chronic insomnia, you should see a doctor for strategies to help you get a good night’s sleep.

      If you sleep between 7 and 8 hours, the body has time at night to carry out basic cleaning functions that maintain the metabolism and thus make weight loss easier.

      With these simple recommendations  you can surely achieve your goal:  Sometimes certain changes and healthy lifestyle habits are already enough to shed excess pounds.

      Cover picture kindly provided by © wikiHow.com

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