Just Bad Luck? How To Turn Negative Thoughts Into Positive Thoughts

When you find yourself dominated by negative thoughts, you should replace them with positive thoughts.

Only bad luck?  How to turn negative thoughts into positive ones

Positive thoughts lead to positive experiences, just as negative thoughts usually actually end in bad luck. Learn to use the power of positive thoughts and get rid of bad luck from your vocabulary and life!

Positive thoughts shape a positive life

People who fill their lives with positive thoughts usually live happier, more fulfilling lives than those who let negative thoughts dominate themselves and their lives. At some point in our lives we all go through times of unhappiness when it is almost impossible to hold on to positive thoughts .

While we have learned to have a more optimistic view of life, we sometimes lose the mental strength that leads us to keep fighting for our goals. Even though we sometimes try to do things well while facing obstacles and mistakes that make us frustrated and incapable.

The truth is that it is important to maintain a positive attitude towards all situations because, however difficult it may seem, it is the only way to move forward.

For this reason, today we would like to dedicate this text to a number of tips with which you can achieve a more positive mentality, especially when things are not going well.

Woman needs positive thoughts

Listen to your mind!

Paying attention to your thoughts is one of the first steps in ending the negative thoughts that are making our lives difficult.

The internal dialogue gives us the opportunity to recognize whether we are criticizing ourselves in a critical way or whether we have mental barriers such as “you cannot do that”, “why are you doing this” or “everything I do is wrong” put.

It is important to take control of what we think. Therefore , it is important to recognize the negative and find a solution to it. If we evaluate ourselves without attacking ourselves to set new goals and be more open, we can take a big step towards overcoming any obstacle.

Write down negative and positive thoughts

Many have difficulty thinking clearly when negative thoughts enter the mind and combine with one another. In these cases, the most convenient thing to do is to take a notebook or piece of paper with you to immediately write down what is happening to us, thus identifying what is negative for us.

This simple approach can be of great help in unleashing bad energy, especially when we don’t want to talk to anyone. We use it to visualize our own thoughts and express them without sharing them with other people.

Woman with many questions needs positive thoughts

Relate thoughts

Let us deal with our thoughts, check our thoughts for all possibilities and mentally drive all situations to extremes so that we can recognize a serious mistake when we are wrong.

Try to always question your thoughts, whether positive or negative, and ask yourself again, without closing yourself off, why something happened and what possibilities there are to overcome it.

Relate your thoughts: what really happened? Was it really that bad, that negative? Or could you also derive positive benefits from it? Did you learn something from the situation?

Put your negative thoughts in relation to the really big and important things and notice: it’s not really bad!

positive thoughts of a woman

Overcome fears

In order to change negative thoughts when we are going through difficult times, it is necessary to let go of our fears and make new decisions. Instead of thinking about how bad it could get, it’s best to visualize how many good things can be achieved by taking new steps.

The mood can get to the bottom when things don’t go the way we want or “we’re unlucky”. This leads to completely negative attitudes that directly affect the way we live, think and act.

Thoughts like “I feel bad”, “Today I won’t do anything because I feel bad”, “Everything will end badly”, make you lose mental strength and in turn lead to stress, anxiety and depression.

What few can imagine is that something as simple as changing attitudes can be critical to achieving better results and experiences. Telling yourself every day, “I feel good today,” “I can do it,” and the like, builds confidence and will open the door to new possibilities.

Positive affirmations

Positive (self-) affirmations are those sentences that we can repeat out loud to combat the negative thoughts that keep us from moving forward. They are sentences full of feelings and emotions that, when pronounced, create a sense of conviction and truth.

We can make up these sentences ourselves about the goal we want to achieve, or we can take them from the thoughts of some authors.

For example, you can say them out loud every morning at the beginning of the day, right after getting up, or at night when you relax , in order to give them even more power and effect by speaking.

Are you ready to change your mindset? Open the way for positive thoughts, free yourself from negative thoughts and feel the change that brings with it!

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