Interesting Facts About Water In Plastic Bottles

Plastic bottles can be harmful to your health!

Interesting facts about water in plastic bottles

Water and other drinks are mostly sold in plastic bottles, so it is important to learn more about water in plastic bottles , as they not only harm the environment but also your health.

In today’s article, you will learn all you need to know about water in plastic bottles that people don’t like to talk about. Read on to learn more about it.

Interesting facts about water in plastic bottles

1. Use the bottle only once!

Water in plastic bottles and disposal

You shouldn’t use plastic bottles more than once as they release chemical pollutants. For this reason, it is also important to pay attention to the symbols on the bottom of the bottles.

A triangle with a number indicates the type of plastic the bottle is made of. “1” means PET or PETE. This bottle must be  disposed of after a single use. If this plastic comes into contact with oxygen and at the same time becomes warm (e.g. from exposure to the sun), toxic substances are released which contaminate the water.

Plastic bottles with the numbers “3” or “7” (PVC and PC) should also be avoided as they also give off toxins that make you sick.

If you want to reuse a bottle, make sure that it is made of polyethylene and is marked with a “2” or “4”.

Polypropylene bottles marked “5” and the letters PP can also be reused, but you should only fill them with cold water and clean the bottle thoroughly on a regular basis.

2. Be careful with bacteria in plastic bottles!

Bacteria in plastic bottles

A plastic bottle can be a real haven for bacteria,  which can sometimes be dangerous, especially if you handle the bottle with dirty hands or if you don’t clean it properly. If you keep water in it at room temperature, the bacteria in it will multiply very quickly.

Wash plastic bottles with warm, soapy water, vinegar, or an antibacterial dish soap. Also make sure that the bottle is in perfect condition and has no cracks.

Remember, however, that even a thoroughly cleaned plastic bottle is not a guarantee. You can still use it to absorb toxins or become infected with an illness, even hepatitis A could be the result!

Most of the bacteria are found on the mouthpiece, but you can easily use a straw.

3. Check the origin of the water!

Water in plastic bottles

Many companies advertise that the water in their bottles comes from a beautiful mountain stream. In reality, however, the water we buy is often identical to normal tap water.

So don’t forget to check the exact origin and compare the composition (mineral content!) Of the different brands. The quality of water bought from plastic bottles is often lacking.

4. Caution: flavored water in plastic bottles

Flavored water in plastic bottles

Many brands also sell flavored water in various flavors, especially to attract younger people and athletes. Be careful with this, as most of these drinks contain sugar.

Take a close look at the product description! You can easily make flavored water at home with fruit or herbs, which is much healthier.


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