How To Reduce Too Much Uric Acid

High protein diets that are followed to lose weight faster can cause uric acid levels to increase. Instead, we recommend a healthy and balanced diet and sufficient exercise.

How To Reduce Too Much Uric Acid

In this article we advise you on  reducing uric acid.

Too much uric acid can lead to various health problems: gout, kidney stones or, for example, kidney failure.

Below you will learn more about this problem and how you can get a grip on it with simple home remedies.

What to know about uric acid

Uric acid is the end product of purine metabolism. Purines are found in foods like liver, herring, anchovies, and sardines, for example.

Although some vegetables and dairy products also contain purines, studies have shown that these do not have any negative effects on health.

Too much uric acid is harmful to the body

The job of the kidneys is to filter the uric acid and excrete it in the urine, a small part is also expelled through the stool.

However, when the body produces too much uric acid, it accumulates in joints, tendons and sometimes in organs (e.g. the kidneys).

Excessive uric acid levels also play a decisive role in the development of gout – but they do not always have to be the trigger for this disease (other reasons are high blood pressure, heart and kidney diseases).

The reasons for increased uric acid levels are just as diverse: Heredity, obesity, too much alcohol or malnutrition with too many bad purines can be responsible for this, for example.

Also diuretic Medication , Radiation therapies, chemotherapy , Hypothyroidism, Psoriasis or Immuno- Depressants  can lead to increased uric acid levels.

At first there are no symptoms, so it makes sense to have your uric acid levels checked from time to time.

Home remedies and recipes that reduce uric acid


Eat an unpeeled apple (red or green) every day  , preferably in the afternoon or after dinner.

The apple peel is rich in vitamin C and the acids in apples are also very healthy and detoxify the body in a natural way. This is how you can reduce uric acid and dispose of it.

Apples support health

Cherry juice

Drink two tablespoons of cherry juice a day, because it contains many flavonoids (which also give the cherries their red color) and help with the excretion of uric acid.

Avoid foods rich in purines

It is best to avoid foods and beverages rich in purines, such as red meat, lamb, poultry, beans, and alcohol.

These should not be consumed more than once a week. Instead, low-fat and low-purine foods can be consumed: boiled rice, bread, cottage cheese and natural yogurt.

Drink a lot of water

Drink eight glasses of water a day to supply the body with essential minerals. It also removes bacteria and toxins from the body and strengthens the kidneys.

Too much salt and caffeine have negative effects and slow down kidney function, so it is better to avoid them.

Water detoxifies the body

Detoxify the body regularly

A detox regimen should be carried out every two months to loosen crystals that have stuck to the uric acid.

Simply mix half a spoonful of baking soda with a glass of water. Drink this drink eight times a day. This type of detox is not suitable for people with high blood pressure or kidney problems!

Eat artichokes

Artichokes have a strong dehydrating effect and also dispose of uric acid. There are many delicious recipes with artichokes, but the best is to boil them in water and drink the brew. That can reduce uric acid!

Incorporate onions into the diet

Onions are also recommended as they detoxify the organism and also prevent other health problems.

First cook two peeled and sliced ​​onions. Then add the juice of one lemon and drink a couple of cups of it every day.


Strawberries also help reduce uric acid and prevent gout. Strawberry leaf or root tea is also recommended. Strawberries are of course also delicious as a dessert.

Strawberries can reduce uric acid

Take in a lot of potassium

Foods rich in potassium prevent uric acid crystals from building up, which can build up in the kidneys.

That is why bananas, avocados, green leafy vegetables (spinach, chard), raisins, prunes, watermelon, strawberries and peaches are recommended.

Complex carbohydrates found in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains are also helpful.

Avoid fructose and corn syrup

You should avoid foods sweetened with fructose or corn syrup, as these lead to increased uric acid levels.

Fructose is found in soft drinks and various commercial juices. It is best to drink water and freshly squeezed juices without additives.

Reduce uric acid with apple cider vinegar

Use apple cider vinegar to flavor your salads and dishes. Many studies suggest that apple cider vinegar (due to its high potassium content and acetic acid) can effectively break down uric acid.

You can also mix two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with a cup of water and drink it twice a day.

Beware of high protein diets

Avoid high-protein weight loss diets, as these can often lead to an excessive production of uric acid. If you want to lose weight, you should eat healthily and get enough exercise.

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