How Do You Treat Neck Tension?

Neck tension can be very painful if it is not treated in time. They occur for many reasons, including poor posture over a long period of time, stress, muscle weakness, and the like. Learn how to avoid this condition here.

How do you treat neck tension?

Under a neck tension refers to pain that occur when you bend your neck, turns or stretches. Since the neck is home to a system of ligaments and muscles that allow us to keep our head still and to move, it is a very sensitive area.

The muscles that lead from the head and cervical spine to the clavicle, chest and other areas consist of a total of 20 pairs of muscles that enable movement. When neck tension occurs, the blood vessels that carry blood to the muscles narrow, making the symptoms worse.
The muscles that suffer the most are the trapezius and rhomboid. People with neck tension often experience problems and pain when they turn their heads to the side.

This condition is very common. In some cases, headache, shoulder pain and even arm pain can also occur. However, neck tension is not seen as a disease but as a symptom. 

Symptoms of neck tension

Neck tension symptoms

Identifying neck tension isn’t difficult because it causes persistent pain in that area. In some cases it is a long-term pain and in others it is sudden.

Here are the main symptoms:

  • inflammation
  • Sharp, throbbing pain
  • Tingling feeling
  • The place feels warm.
  • muscle pain
  • In order to move the neck, one must turn the body.

Most of the time, neck tension doesn’t lead to serious problems. However, you should treat the tension in good time to avoid even more painful side effects.


There are many possible reasons for neck tension, including:

  • Overexertion
  • Repeated use of the muscles
  • Forced posture in which the neck muscles are strained for a long time.
  • stress
  • Muscle weakness

 How can you treat neck tension?

Neck tension treatment

General treatments for neck tension include anti-inflammatory medication and short-term ice or cold packs on the affected area. These treatments are designed to reduce swelling and pain. More serious cases require physical rehabilitation with a physical therapist.

If none of the above treatments work, the next step may be to give cortisone injections to the tense area. For chronic cases, surgery is the only option.

If the pain isn’t severe, you can try the warm-up exercises below, which will relax the muscles. Keep in mind, however, that they are just a suggestion and it is always better to ask a doctor before trying them.

  • Cease any exercise for 3 days.
  • Massage the area gently to warm it up and stimulate blood circulation.
  • Follow a diet that is high in nutrients to speed up the healing process.

Try doing the following self-massages and stretches, which you can do at home without making the pain worse. Before you start, hold yourself straight and breathe evenly. You may feel a little pain, but it should never be severe. If so, stop practicing immediately.

Use a pole

Below are a few massage exercises you can try to reduce the symptoms of neck tension. However, they only have a temporary effect.

  • First, you need to breathe in deeply and breathe out slowly. Stand up straight.
  • Then take the bar and place it just behind your neck. Hold it gently with both hands.
  • Roll the bar gently.
  • Move them around the nape of the neck and along the sides of the neck.
  • You can also lean your head forward and to the side.
  • Do these exercises for 5 minutes.

Sliding and rotating

  • Remain in the same position as in the previous exercise, but now let the bar slide down a little, pressing it all over the neck.
  • As you slide the bar, rotate it to relax the muscles.
  • Repeat the same exercise on the sides.
  • Do this exercise for 5 minutes.

How can you prevent neck tension?

Neck tension prevention
  • Avoid postures that require your neck to bend.
  • Change your posture often.
  • Get more exercise.
  • Avoid sudden movements.
  • Remember, warm-up exercises to do before you press yourself athletic.
  • Stretch your back and neck every two hours.
  • Sleep in the correct position.
  • Check that your mattress is in good condition and that your pillow is holding your neck straight.
  • Try specific exercises, such as B. Yoga or Pilates.
  • Do relaxation exercises.

Fortunately, neck tension can be resolved with physiotherapy within 2 to 3 sessions.

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