Homemade Face Masks For Firm Skin

Not only advancing age, but also the state of mind can affect the health of the skin and make the absorption of nutrients more difficult due to vasoconstriction or muscle tension.

Homemade face masks for firm skin

A healthy and firm skin often depends on various factors: lifestyle, disposition, correct diet … Although we cannot stop the passage of time, sagging skin can be prevented with conscientious, natural care.

Read more about this interesting topic here. You can also find various face mask recipes for firm skin in this article  .

Reasons for sagging facial skin

Sagging facial skin
  • The passage of time is undoubtedly the main reason for sagging and toneless facial skin, which also loses its elasticity. It is clear, however, that  the skin should be particularly cared for and nourished when the first signs are visible.   Knowing the right products to slow down skin aging is of great help.
  • A lack of protein and nutrients due to poor nutrition also causes the skin to sag.
  • The lack of elastin as well as collagen causes sagging skin.
  • Sedentary lifestyle prevents the skin from getting the correct supply of oxygen and nutrients.
  • The sun is a great enemy of our skin. It accelerates skin aging and then removes the natural moisture from the skin. She is losing collagen. So pay special attention to the hours you spend in the sun.
  • In many cases, the state of mind affects skin health . Stress, sadness, mental exhaustion, etc. cause poor absorption of nutrients by our skin as the vessels constrict and the muscles tense.

Homemade face masks for firm skin

1. Carrot and orange mask for firm skin

Carrot face mask

This is a simple and effective face mask. Why, of all things, carrots and orange? Both carrots and oranges are great for fighting sagging skin.

They have a high proportion of antioxidants, beta-carotene, vitamins, minerals and also donate a lot of moisture. Mixing both ingredients for a face mask will give you great results. Then apply this in the morning three times a week.

What do you need?

  • 1 carrot
  • the juice of an orange
  • 1 spoon of honey


  • Wash and chop the carrot. Then mix these with the orange juice and puree everything with the hand blender. A homogeneous mass should be created. Add the honey last.
  • Put this mask in a container and then apply it to the face with some cotton, especially the areas where the skin is the first to sag: (neck, chin, cheeks, etc.). Then leave the mask on for 20 minutes and then rinse your face with cold water.

    2. Tomato and lemon mask for firm skin

    Tomato face mask

    As you probably already know, the skin on your face is different from the skin on the rest of your body. It is more sensitive as well as more susceptible, somewhat finer and constantly exposed to external influences and unprotected.

    To protect our facial skin, we should maintain our lifestyle habits with a healthy diet and some exercise. Then, pamper your skin with extra nutrients every now and then.

    The tomato and lemon juice face mask gives it a good boost of antioxidants and vitamins. It has a refreshing and rejuvenating effect and has other therapeutic effects. Just give it a try!

    What do you need?

    • 2 tomatoes
    • 1 tbsp lemon juice
    • 2 tbsp sugar


    • Peel the tomatoes, preferably ripe tomatoes. Then mix the tomatoes with the lemon juice using the hand blender and then add the two spoons of sugar. There will be a uniform mass.
    • Now apply this mixture with cotton wool and then let it work for 15 minutes. You will immediately feel the freshness and properties of the tomato. Make sure not to leave the mask on your skin for more than 20 minutes, as the lemon could irritate it. Don’t forget this. Use cool water to remove the mask. You can apply this treatment twice a week in the evening.

    3. Apple and melon mask

    Apple face mask

    Melon tones the skin and prevents sagging skin . When you add apple and oatmeal, you get a wonderful blend that will add moisture and firmness to your skin. It’s a classic treatment that you should definitely try.

    What do you need?

    • 3 spoons of melon (variety of your choice) or a thin slice
    • 1/2 apple
    • 2 spoons of oatmeal
    • 1 spoon of honey


    • The preparation is very simple. Peel and cut half the apple and then puree this with the melon until everything is mixed together properly.
    • Add the oats and honey. It will be a tough but nutritious paste. Then apply this mask to the previously cleansed skin and leave it on for 20 minutes. You can then do this process three times a week. If you do this in the morning, you give your skin a special protective coat.

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