Home Remedies For Blocked Sinuses

An inflammation of the sinuses can occur with colds, flu, contact with bacteria, allergies to house dust, pollen or animal hair etc.

Home remedies for congested sinuses

Congested sinuses can be caused by a variety of environmental or health conditions.

Inflammation of the sinuses can occur with colds, flu, contact with bacteria, allergies to house dust, pollen or animal hair, etc.

Since numerous people suffer from it, in this post we recommend simple and useful natural remedies to relieve this annoying condition.

Home remedies for sinus infections

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is very healthy and versatile. It also works excellently with inflammation of the paranasal sinuses .

Simply mix two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with a glass of lukewarm water (250 ml) and then one tablespoon of honey. Then take this drink once a day – the infection will go away in a short time.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Vinegar can also be used for a facial steam bath. Simply heat water with a little vinegar and then inhale the steam with closed eyes and mouth. This treatment should be carried out at least three times a day.


This spice contains the active ingredient curcumin,  which has many health- promoting properties and, among other things, has an  anti-inflammatory effect on the sinuses. Turmeric can be consumed to flavor in various dishes or in tea.

Nasal irrigation

This is the oldest home remedy that is very popular and brings excellent results, especially in combination with the previously mentioned remedies. For nasal rinsing, a cup of lukewarm water is mixed with a tablespoon of sea salt. 

This is used to clean the sinuses – there are special nasal jugs for this, but you can also use a large syringe if you wish. The nasal douche is then best performed several times a day in order to achieve the desired goals quickly.

Additional recommendations for free sinuses

  • Raise your head a little while sleeping.
  • Moisten a cloth with lukewarm salt water and then place it on the forehead and side of the nose several times a day.
  • Take vitamin C twice a day.
  • Then drink enough water during the day, as this can also reduce the congestion and inflammation of the sinuses. With enough moisture, mucus can then be excreted more easily.
  • Keep the house and office clean and free of allergenic objects.
  • The tongue and thumb can also be very helpful with a blocked nose: Simply press the roof of your mouth with your tongue and then simultaneously press the point between the eyebrows with your thumb for about 20 seconds. Almost immediately you will feel that your nose is clearing and you can breathe again.

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