Home Remedies For Acne On The Chin

Various strategies are recommended for treating acne on the chin, because both diet and external treatments are very important. If the problem is related to stress, you should also learn a relaxation technique. 

Home remedies for acne on the chin

Acne on the chin needs to be treated internally and externally to achieve the desired goal. Nutrition, thorough cleaning and regenerating products play an important role in this.

Pimples on the chin are very often related to hormonal problems that then need to be regulated.

Discover in our today’s article, as you acne on can treat chin.

Different types of acne

In acne, the sebum glands on the skin of the face, neck, chest, back and shoulder area are impaired.

It is not a serious health problem, but rather a minor blemish, as it can then also lead to scars.

In addition, this problem can affect mood and self-esteem.

There are different types of acne that manifest themselves on different parts of the body and the extent of which varies from person to person. It all depends on what causes it.

Acne on the chin is associated with hormonal imbalances in reflexology  which should then be taken into account during treatment.


Dairy products

The first step should be to rethink your eating plan to identify  certain foods that  can exacerbate the problem.

These include the following:

  • Milk and milk products, including fatty cheese,
  • red meat and sausage products, especially pork,
  • Fried and ready meals,
  • industrially manufactured baked goods,
  • Salt in general and table salt in particular as well
  • White sugar.

However, the following foods  are highly recommended: 

  • Fruits and vegetables
  • legumes
  • fish
  • Eggs
  • Whole grain cereals
  • Dried fruits and seeds

In addition, you shouldn’t forget  to drink two liters of water a day in order to promote the cleansing function of the organism and to improve the digestion of foods rich in fiber.

Facial cleansing


The skin needs to be cleaned thoroughly, but we recommend natural products for this. In addition, it must be adequately moisturized, and special products for oily skin are recommended.

  • Wash your face thoroughly every morning. Deep cleansing with a pineapple peel mask is then recommended twice a week. This contains the anti-inflammatory agent bromelain. You can simply rub the pineapple peel gently on the affected area, then wait a few minutes and clean the skin with water.
  • You can prepare the following mixture to moisturize and care for the skin: 100 ml jojoba oil or coconut oil with 15 drops of tea tree essential oil and 15 drops of chamomile essential oil.
  • This mixture has moisturizing, soothing, regulating, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties.
  • In the evening before going to bed, you clean your face thoroughly and gently massage the moisturizing oils onto the skin again. 

    Balanced hormonal balance

    Acne on the chin is closely related  to the hormonal balance. You can take dietary supplements and foods that regulate your hormonal balance naturally:

    • Yam
    • Maca
    • Brewer’s yeast
    • Evening primrose oil
    • fennel
    • sage
    • avocado

    The best thing to do is to have a  nutritionist tell you what is best for you to  help balance your hormonal balance.

    Healthy nerves

    Nervousness, stress and negative emotions can also lead to acne on the chin or make healing more difficult, even if you follow the recommendations and pay attention to the right diet.

    We therefore recommend the following measures:

    • Medium intensity exercises two to three times a week. You will be more relaxed and calm on the same day.
    • Get a good night’s sleep in a relaxed, restful environment. The bedroom should be well darkened and quiet.
      • Meditate for a few minutes each day at the time you need it most.
      • Try to avoid stress and nervousness as much as possible.
      • If you feel nervous, take a deep breath and take a deep breath.
      • You can take soothing teas or supplements (passion flower, lemon balm, linden blossom, or lavender).
      • Oats, whole grain rice, brewer’s yeast, wheat germ, sunflower seeds, nuts, almonds, bananas and citrus fruits should not be missing in the diet.
      • Avoid stimulant foods like coffee, white sugar, colas, alcohol, and tea.

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