Help With Losing Weight: Pineapple Juice With Ginger

The satiating and thermogenic properties of the ingredients of pineapple juice with ginger make this drink an ideal and very healthy helper when losing weight.

Help with losing weight: pineapple juice with ginger

This pineapple juice with ginger is of great help in losing weight, as the ingredients are low in calories and rich in nutrients at the same time.

And best of all, it gives you a long-lasting feeling of satiety, not to mention the delicious taste! 

You will quickly find that you can easily make a delicious and healthy juice with the right ingredients. You can drink it between meals, with lunch, or once a week instead of breakfast.

Remember, however, that you should never replace an entire meal with this or any other juice. The pineapple juice with ginger is indeed rich in nutrients, but your body needs many more items.

In the following we provide you with detailed information about the positive properties of pineapple and ginger. And at the end you will find the recipe to make this delicious juice!

Positive properties of the pineapple

Positive properties of pineapple juice

The main ingredient of this juice is high in vitamin C, high in fiber and low in calories. Even a cup of fresh pineapple (150 g) is an excellent addition to a healthy breakfast or an afternoon snack.

  • The pineapple is the ideal fruit for weight loss because it contains no fat and is low in calories : one cup of pineapple contains only about 80 calories.
  • In this way, the energy levels are kept stable and you can avoid the unpleasant hunger pangs.
  • The pineapple ranks fifth among the fruits with a high water content: the proportion of water in their total weight is around 87%. This means that it will help you meet your hydration needs on hot days without having to resort to soft drinks with artificial sweeteners.
  • The pineapple also contains an enzyme called bromelain, which has a digestive effect.

Remember, good digestion prevents leftovers and toxins from building up in the digestive tract, causing inflammation. Not to mention the extra pounds!

Positive properties of ginger

Positive properties of ginger

The second important ingredient in this juice, as the name suggests, is ginger. We like it straight away because it doesn’t contain any calories. Ginger is also a thermogenic food, which means that it increases body temperature and speeds up metabolism, which in turn causes fat to be burned.

  • Ginger also makes you feel full, so you automatically eat less. It is therefore considered a natural appetite suppressant. The natural appetite suppressants are completely safe and there is no yo-yo effect.
  • Ginger inhibits cortisol. Cortisol is a steroid hormone that is necessary for the regulation and supply of energy. However, with high levels of cortisol, the amount of accumulated belly fat also increases, leading to weight gain.
  • The consumption of ginger also has positive effects on high cholesterol levels, which are often associated with obesity. Ginger helps lower serum and liver cholesterol levels significantly.

In general it can be said that ginger has a beneficial effect on the entire digestive system, as it has a stimulating effect on the movement of food through the stomach and intestines.

 Recipe for pineapple juice with ginger

Recipe for pineapple juice with ginger

Here is our recipe for the pineapple juice with ginger. You will see, it’s super easy, cheap and totally delicious! Best of all, you only need very few ingredients – so there’s no excuse not to try it!

The chia seeds add fiber, omega-3 fatty acids, and proteins to the juice. The Antioxidants found in these seeds fight free radicals and prevent cell damage.

And as if what has been said so far weren’t enough: You should also know that carbohydrates are found in chia seeds in the form of fiber. That’s why they make you feel full, help you lose weight, and are good for digestive health.


  • 1 cup of fresh pineapple (150 g)
  • 1 teaspoon freshly grated ginger (5 g)
  • 1 glass of water (250 ml)
  • 1 teaspoon chia seeds (15 g)

How does it work?

  • Put all of the ingredients in the blender.
  • Blend everything on high speed until the juice has an even consistency.
  • Put the juice in a glass and drink it right after brewing to get the most out of all the nutrients.

You can sweeten the juice with a little honey if the pineapple is a little sour, even though we don’t necessarily recommend it. Usually the ginger mitigates the acidity very well.

It is recommended to drink the pineapple juice with ginger immediately after preparation, because the pineapple oxidizes over time and can therefore lose its effectiveness in fighting free radicals.

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