Grinding Teeth – Reasons And Possible Consequences

Anyone suffering from bruxism should prevent triggers such as fear and stress. The consumption of certain medicines, drugs, alcohol or tobacco can also lead to this condition.

Grinding teeth - reasons and possible consequences

As teeth grinding or bruxism also is called the strong pressing together of upper and lower jaws, thereby the teeth are rubbed against each other and worn.

Usually this happens involuntarily during the day or during sleep. The exact causes have not yet been adequately researched. But we know that  stress and tension are among the main triggers of teeth grinding 

Certain medications, drugs, alcohol, and tobacco can also trigger this problem. 

What are the consequences of grinding teeth?

In the long term, this habit can cause the following complaints:

  • Temporomandibular joint problems
  • Inflammation of the muscles in the area of ​​the jaw
  • Premature wear of the teeth
  • Tooth fractures
  • Headache and earache
  • sleep disorders
  • Excessive sensitivity of the teeth
  • Masticatory muscle hypertrophy

    What treatment options are there?

    In most cases, people are given a special splint to relieve pressure and prevent wear and tear on their teeth. In addition, a massage in the jaw, neck and shoulder area can bring relief. 

    The grinding splint is the best treatment option for teeth grinding.

    Natural remedies for teeth grinding

    The following medicinal herbs can also be useful to relieve stress and nervousness:


    Make a tea from 2.5 g of Boldo leaves in 100 ml of water. Drink this before bed. If you are taking medication, seek advice from your doctor beforehand.

    You shouldn’t drink this tea for more than four weeks straight.


    You can also benefit from this classic: Chamomile tea promotes sleep thanks to its calming effect. However, do not do this during pregnancy!


    Valerian is also known for its calming effects. Make a tea with 15 g of valerian root. It’s best to let it steep overnight. This tea is not suitable during pregnancy and breastfeeding. 


    You can drink up to three cups of marjoram tea each day. Use 5g of the herb per cup of water.

    Lemon balm

    Also take advantage of the calming properties of lemon balm. Simply scald a teaspoon of the herb with boiling water and let it steep for 15 minutes. You can drink up to 3 cups a day.

    Relaxing bath

    Relaxation bath against grinding teeth

    After a hectic day at work, it is worth taking a relaxing bath to reduce stress and improve the quality of sleep at night. Use the following herbs for this:

    • thyme
    • sage

    First, prepare a strong infusion with one or both herbs and then pour it into the bath water. Enjoy the relaxation bath for about 15 to 20 minutes. 

    Heat applications

    Prepare a warm compress by moistening a towel with hot water (not too hot, it should be comfortable) and place it on your face. So you can relax your muscles. 

    Music therapy

    Relaxing music is beneficial and can free the mind and spirit from the worries and problems of everyday life.


    A diet rich in calcium can protect teeth from wear and tear. You should therefore regularly include the following foods in your eating plan:

    • Vegetables such as spinach, onion, cress, Swiss chard, broccoli.
    • Legumes: white beans, chickpeas, soybeans, lentils.
    • Milk and dairy products, eggs.
    • Fish, seafood and shellfish.

    Avoid dried fruits, which are very hard and can therefore exacerbate jaw pain.

    More advice against grinding teeth

    • Drink a glass of warm milk before going to bed.
    • Learn relaxation techniques and try to take things easier. A positive attitude is also very important!
    • Breathing exercises are also very beneficial before sleeping. You can use it to reduce stress and anxiety.

    Get advice from an expert!

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