Fibromyalgia: Therapies To Relieve Symptoms

The main symptom of fibromyalgia is chronic pain in the musculoskeletal system. In addition to medical treatment, various natural therapies can help relieve these symptoms. 

Fibromyalgia: Therapies for Symptom Relief

The  therapies for relieving  the symptoms of fibromyalgia include pain relievers, antidepressants, and anticonvulsants. These are usually prescribed by the doctor to reduce pain and other very uncomfortable ailments.

Patients with this disease  experience chronic muscle and bone pain. In addition, their sensitivity is increased in some areas, they feel exhausted, have difficulty concentrating and also have other complaints that can severely impair their quality of life.

Of course, the doctor’s instructions come first. In addition, with prior consultation with your doctor, you can  consider various natural therapies to relieve symptoms of fibromyalgia. Today we have five recommendations that can help you. 

What is fibromyalgia?

Before we go into more detail about the alternative therapies for alleviating the symptoms of fibromyalgia, let’s briefly explain the most important aspects of this disease. Fibromyalgia patients suffer from chronic muscle and bone pain, constant fatigue, weakness and insomnia. 

Symptoms are very subjective and cannot be confirmed by tests or examinations. Because of this  , it is very difficult to find out the reasons. Diagnosis can also be very difficult. However, we owe it to various research studies that more and more is known about this disease and that it can therefore be treated better.

Various scientists suggest that the causes could be genetic. But infections, constant stress, trauma or environmental conditions could also lead to this. In addition, one hypothesis suggests that the brain and nervous system may misinterpret and exaggerate the pain signals. The origin could be traced back to an unbalanced brain chemistry.

Symptoms of Fibromyalgia

Therapies to relieve symptoms
Fibromyalgia patients experience chronic muscle pain and constant fatigue.

In fibromyalgia, pain points occur that cause intense discomfort even with very light pressure. These trigger points have long been decisive in the diagnosis. However, other criteria are now used to identify this disease. 

If there is constant dull pain in many areas of the body for over three months, it is an indication of fibromyalgia. However, when making a diagnosis, the following symptoms are also taken into account:

  • Long-term tiredness or chronic fatigue
  • sleep disorders
  • Long sleep times and still great fatigue
  • Constant headache
  • Nervousness and depression
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Lower abdominal pain

Natural therapies to help relieve the symptoms of fibromyalgia

Pharmacological treatments are not always sufficient to relieve symptoms of fibromyalgia. Therefore, in addition, natural therapies can be very beneficial to combat the pain. You will then find various options:


Natural Therapies To Relieve Symptoms Of Fibromyalgia: Yoga
Various studies have shown that yoga can be very helpful in controlling the symptoms of fibromyalgia.

Yoga is one of the best complementary therapies for relieving fibromyalgia symptoms. The beneficial effects have been confirmed in various research studies. This discipline improves the state of mind and minimizes symptoms such as pain and fatigue.

For this reason, yoga is recommended  for strengthening muscles and reducing stiffness. Breathing exercises are also very helpful in fibromyalgia.

Therapies to Relieve Fibromyalgia Symptoms: Acupuncture

Acupuncture is also highly recommended to control this disease. In this discipline of traditional Chinese medicine, the doctor uses very fine needles to treat specific points that are distributed over the body. Among other things, it aims to:

  • Stimulate natural self-healing
  • Stimulate blood circulation
  • Reduce chronic pain
  • Making changes in neurotransmitters in the brain

People who are afraid of needles can seek acupressure treatment. With this therapy it is particularly important to turn to an experienced expert with specific, recognized training. Because incorrect use can have serious negative consequences.


Meditation is finding more and more followers worldwide and there are reasons for this. It has very positive effects on physical and mental health  and, among other things, also helps to control imbalances that affect pain.

That is why meditation is also used successfully with fibromyalgia patients. Especially if the person concerned also suffers from stress, nervousness and depression.

Therapies to Relieve Fibromyalgia Symptoms: Tai Chi

Therapies to Relieve Fibromyalgia Symptoms: Tai Chi
Thai chi is also a thousand-year-old technique that is very helpful for chronic pain and fatigue.

Tai Chi is an ancient technique of traditional Chinese medicine. Slow body movements and specific postures ensure balance and calm. This technique is very popular for chronic pain and fibromyalgia, as it allows the discomfort to be alleviated and the quality of sleep to be improved. It is also helpful for depression.

Lymph gland massage

A lymph gland massage is also very beneficial to promote the elimination of toxins. This can be used to improve lymph circulation. This therapy has decongestant, pain relieving and muscle relaxing effects. In addition, those affected can use it to reduce their tiredness and nervousness.

Do you have fibromyalgia or have any signs that could indicate it? After consulting your doctor, you can try the natural therapies described for relief from fibromyalgia symptoms. Always get advice from an expert in order to do this correctly and efficiently!

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