Fake Pregnancy: What Is It?

Some women are diagnosed with a pseudo pregnancy. In today’s article, we’re going to look at this problem in more detail.

Sham Pregnancy: What Is It?

A pseudo pregnancy is when a woman experiences symptoms of pregnancy but is actually not pregnant at all. In this case, there is often talk of pseudocytic or false pregnancy. Find out more about this topic today.

Features of a sham pregnancy

Sham or phantom pregnancies are relatively rare in today’s society. According to some studies, the reason for this lies in the social significance of pregnancy.

Not so long ago a woman had to have children because it was her only or most important job. Biological susceptibility to pregnancy, the inability to conceive, and the associated stress made women susceptible to pseudocytosis.

A pseudo pregnancy has the same symptoms as a regular pregnancy
With a pseudo pregnancy, the woman experiences the same physical symptoms that pregnant women actually experience.

In modern society it is no longer so important for women to have children. Times and interests have changed, and motherhood is an option that many women give up. You shouldn’t feel bad about it.

Even so, there are still women who suffer from bogus pregnancies. This can mainly be recognized by the following symptoms:

  • Increased abdominal volume and weight gain
  • Morning sickness similar to that of a real pregnancy
  • Missing menstruation
  • Breast growth and milk production
  • Feel how the “baby” moves

    Despite the fact that all of these symptoms could clearly indicate that there is a pregnancy, in the case of pseudocytes there is no baby.

    A real case

    Dr. Ana Cecilia Márquez wrote about the case of a real bogus pregnancy. In it, she explained how a 34-year-old patient came into her office with a 28-week pregnancy. At least that is what the patient said.

    The reason for the consultation was that the baby was not moving. Her pregnancy had been diagnosed based on the symptoms she presented. These goods:

    • Missing menstruation
    • Milk production
    • Increased abdominal volume
    • Excessive sleepiness or hypersomnia
    • Increased appetite
    • Dizziness and vomiting
    • Changes in skin pigmentation

    After these symptoms were confirmed, the patient underwent an examination which showed that there was no heartbeat. An ultrasound was done to check that the woman was pregnant.

    Treatment of a sham pregnancy

    A pseudo pregnancy requires psychological and psychiatric care
    Psychological and psychiatric care enables women to restore their health.

    A pseudopregnancy causes some real symptoms, but they do not match the physical condition of the woman who is suffering from it. Since this is not an easy situation, treatment usually focuses on the psychological aspect.

    1. Psychological support

    This type of care is important when doctors diagnose a fake pregnancy. Often times, women suffer from this condition in order to escape an emotion that they cannot handle.

    In addition, the desire to become a mother and not be able to (due to problems with the partner or due to infertility ) can cause stress and anxiety, leading to pseudocytosis.

    However, the women concerned can discuss all of this with a psychologist. Usually, the woman initially rejects the possibility of not being pregnant. However, once she accepts what is happening to her, the symptoms often go away on their own.

    2. Psychiatric care

    While it is important to see a psychologist, some affected women may also need a psychiatrist. In fact, in certain situations, the two professionals work together to get better results.

    In addition, in the case of a pseudo pregnancy, drugs that induce ovulation, the absence of which causes the absence of menstruation, may be needed . Therefore, the return of menstruation can make the patient aware that her pregnancy was only imagined.

    Do you know anyone who has had a bogus pregnancy? We hope our article has helped you better understand this situation some women are going through.

    We cannot emphasize enough the importance of seeking psychological assistance to improve general wellbeing.

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