Facial Gymnastics: 7 Exercises Against Sagging And Premature Wrinkles

If you do these exercises daily, you can use them to strengthen your skin and prevent sagging, which shows up with age. Of course, a healthy diet and plenty of water shouldn’t be missing either!

Facial gymnastics: 7 exercises against sagging and premature wrinkles

The cosmetics industry has a lot of means to treat blemishes. Most of them aim to keep the damage of free radicals as low as possible and to nourish the skin. But do you already know facial gymnastics?

Even if many of these care products achieve very good results, further measures are also required in order to achieve the desired results.

That is why facial gymnastics is becoming more and more popular, because it  can be used to support daily care and nutrition in order to keep the skin young and firm. 

With this exercise, the facial muscles are trained and strengthened, thus preventing sagging skin.

Then we will explain 7 exercises to you, which you can then easily incorporate into your daily beauty routine.

1. Facial exercises for the cheeks


By performing these exercises regularly, you can strengthen the  skin on your cheeks and keep it elastic. 

How are these exercises performed?

  • Inhale and fill your cheeks with air. Then tap your cheeks lightly with your fingertips.
  • Try to hold the tension for 8 seconds and then let the air out very slowly.
  • Another exercise is to pucker your lips, first to the right, then to the left.
  • Both movements should create tension in the cheeks in order to achieve the desired results.

2. Facial gymnastics for the eye area

Eye exercises are essential to prevent  sagging eyelid skin and small wrinkles, also known as crow’s feet.

If you train regularly, you can tighten the area and prevent “sagging skin”.

  • Use your index fingers and thumb to make two circles as if they were glasses.
  • Then wrap these around your eyes and use them to tighten the skin from top to bottom.
  • Then wink 20 times while trying to maintain tension, hold the position briefly, and then relax.
  • Another option is to use your index fingers to press down on both ends of your eyebrows.
  • In the meantime you try to raise your eyebrows. After that, relax and repeat this exercise 15 times to prevent drooping eyelids.

3. Exercises for the mouth area


Because the skin around the mouth is thinner than in other regions, it  tends to wrinkle, especially if it is not specially cared for or exercised.

With these simple exercises you can naturally tighten the fine skin and thus support the effect of an anti-wrinkle cream.

How is this facial exercise performed?

  • Open your mouth as wide as possible and then close it. Then repeat this exercise 10 times.
  • Say the vowels in a loud voice, drawing your lips in an exaggerated way, opening your mouth as wide as possible. Repeat this exercise 10 times and relax afterwards.

    4. Exercise for the forehead area

    Expression lines are particularly fond of forming on the forehead,  which can reduce daily facial exercises.

    How is this exercise performed?

    • Place the inside of both hands on your forehead, turning the skin outward, as if you were turning.
    • Then relax for 10 seconds and repeat the exercise 15 times.

    5. Exercise for the neck


    The skin of the neck is thin and  if we don’t care for it properly, wrinkles can appear here, which also look unsightly.

    In order to tighten and strengthen the skin in this area and prevent premature wrinkles, facial exercises are also recommended.

    How is this exercise performed?

    • Look forward, place your fingertips under your chin, and use it to massage the skin downward. The head is bent backwards.
    • Then move your head back and forth. Then repeat this exercise 6 to 8 times.

    6. Exercise against drooping eyebrows

    Drooping eyebrows and eyelids  change facial expressions and make us look older and more tired than we actually are. 

    This simple exercise can help prevent or relieve slackness to keep the eyebrows in place as the age increases.

    How is this exercise performed?

    • Place an index finger under each eye and point towards the nose.
    • Hide your teeth under your lips, then quickly start blinking as you look up at the ceiling.
    • Then repeat this exercise 3 times for 30 seconds.

    7. Exercise against double chin

    facial gymnastics-against-double-chin

    By exercising the chin and neck area,  you can prevent the double chin from gaining weight  as fat is stored. At the same time, you can prevent sagging skin.

    How is this exercise performed?

    • Stand or sit up straight in a chair.
    • Then move your head back and look up. Now you’re moving your mouth like you’re chewing food.
    • Then repeat this exercise 15 times.

    As a supplement to this facial  exercise, you should consume plenty of water and other healthy drinks. 

    Avoid excessive sun exposure and unhealthy habits like alcohol and tobacco.

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