Face Mask Against Wrinkles And Scars

Thanks to the effect of hyssop we can reduce wrinkles and scars on the face. Remember to use a moisturizer after using the face mask to protect the skin from drying out

Face mask against wrinkles and scars

The dream of many women is to have beautiful and radiant facial skin even in old age; however, genetic factors, poor diet, and pollution can all accelerate the aging process. What can help against wrinkles ?

Acne scars and  wrinkles are just two factors that can affect the skin of the face at a young age ; Fortunately, these can be treated and the appearance of the skin improved.

The cosmetics industry has developed many treatment methods and products that beautify and rejuvenate the skin of the face. But these “anti-aging products” are often very expensive and contain harmful substances.

But there are also natural ingredients that promote the regeneration of skin cells and thus reduce the negative effects of environmental pollutants and poor nutrition.

Today we’re going to introduce you to a 100% natural face mask that is inexpensive, repairs skin, and helps reduce premature wrinkles, scars, and other changes that could affect your beauty. Would you like to learn how to make these yourself?

Face mask made of hyssop, clay and oats against wrinkles

Face mask

Hyssop or verbena ( Hyssopus officinalis ) is a medicinal plant that comes from Central and Southern Europe and has been used to treat stomach and lung diseases since ancient times.

In recent years, however, very interesting, positive results for the skin have been observed: Verbena has a  skin-tightening effect and heals scars. That is why this medicinal herb is used to treat acne scars and premature wrinkles.

In combination with ingredients such as clay and oats, a cleansing and exfoliating mask can be created, which is ideal  for removing impurities from the skin and supporting the regeneration process. 

With regular use you can achieve the following improvements:

  • A remarkable decrease in acne scars,
  • Weakening of wrinkles and other signs of age,
  • Relief of acne through the disinfecting effect,
  • Deep cleansing of the pores,
  • Relief from itching and skin irritation,
  • Reduction of sunspots,
  • Improve blood circulation,
  • Removal of dead skin cells.


Face mask

This face mask is very easy to make and should be applied twice a week.

You can find hyssop in health food stores or health food stores and is usually inexpensive.


  • 1 spoonful of dried hyssop (10 g)
  • 1 spoonful of green clay or kaolin
  • 2 spoons of oat milk


  • Put the verbena in a mortar and pound it into powder.
  • Put it in a glass jar and then add the hot oat milk.
  • Now gradually add the clay. Use a wooden spoon to stir everything well.
  • Keep stirring until you get a creamy and firm texture. Let this mixture sit for 5 minutes and then apply it to the skin of your face.


quick face mask

It is best if you apply the face mask before going to bed, because this way all ingredients can be absorbed well into the skin and work efficiently during the night.

  • Before applying, it is important to cleanse the skin well and remove any makeup residue.
  • When the skin is fresh and clear, apply an even layer of the mask to the face. Avoid the eye and mouth area, as this is where the skin is thinner and more sensitive.
  • Leave the mask on for 20 minutes or until it feels dry on the skin, then rinse it off with lukewarm water.
  • Finish off by applying an overnight moisturizer before bed.

The result is pure and soft skin that can regenerate very well.

If you prefer to use the mask in the morning, it is very important to apply sunscreen to the skin of the face after using the mask before leaving the house.

After the treatment, the skin is much more sensitive and prone to sunburn .

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