Don’t Chase After Someone Who Knows Where You Are

Why shouldn’t we even think of us because of those people who don’t care? It is important to learn the difference between different people and start loving yourself.

Don't chase anyone who knows where you are

Don’t run after someone who isn’t looking for you, who doesn’t need you, or who expects you to kiss the ground on which they walked for their love. Don’t do it, because whoever really deserves you doesn’t show you indifference, but rather wants you to walk by their side, not behind them.

Do n’t chase after anyone and instead remind yourself that indifference is the opposite of love.

If this person can give you anything else, he will. If this is not the case, however, then saying goodbye is the best thank you that you can give yourself. Interest, tenderness and love speak a different language than indifference and selfishness.

You shouldn’t beg for attention and you shouldn’t accept it in bits and pieces. If you do, you will commit a great emotional injustice to yourself. Affection is mutual because it is the foundation of a healthy relationship.

You are neither worth that much nor I am so little

Don't run after anyone - woman at the lake

Indifference on the part of others makes us feel that we are not worth it and that we mean nothing to others. This price is too high to be paid for a relationship.

If we experience listlessness and indifference all the time, it doesn’t take long for such feelings to emerge. Every effort that we invest in the relationship only meets with indifference, but it also costs us a piece of ourselves again and again.

It’s not about belittling others, it’s about appreciating ourselves. Our own feelings and needs are important and we need to be aware of them. Because they are the pillars on which all our interpersonal relationships with others are based.

Interest in one another and mutual love must NEVER be missing in a relationship. Even if we’ve been in a relationship for years, it’s no excuse for such behavior.

It’s not just about our own well-being, but also about that of the other and that of our relationships with them. Only when all three exist can we enjoy fulfilling, happy togetherness. This is the only way we can grow together and with one another.

Don’t run after anyone: don’t search, let yourself be found

Your phone number consists of a few loosely strung together digits that anyone can easily dial. But not everyone wants to call you. Always remember that someone who is genuinely interested in you will move heaven and earth to be with you and make you feel good.

Some of the neglect is certainly due to general living conditions, everyday problems or a lack of time. Repeated disinterest is not.

Dragging yourself through life begging for genuine affection that actually doesn’t exist is not healthy in the short or long term . Maybe a gesture of reparation moves you. But if the balance is indeed out of balance and you have to look for such gestures with a magnifying glass to find them between all the negative aspects, then an end of the relationship is the healthier alternative.

Don't run after anyone - woman in the field

If you feel that you have been treated unfairly, your heart hurts more often than laughs, then this relationship will not make you happy either. Don’t chase someone who doesn’t love you! You must never become your partner’s puppet and live solely for their needs.

Value yourself and realize what you deserve. You have a right to be called and to have your calls answered. Allow yourself not to miss the one who isn’t looking for you. Do not expose yourself to the punishment of indifference.

You should start appreciating yourself right away and try to love yourself. Miracles do not exist and as we have said before, love must be shown and felt, but never implored. Your affection should belong to those who love you, who accept you for who you are, and who understand you without asking for anything in return.

Don’t chase after anyone: gift those who don’t appreciate your presence with your absence

We tend not to appreciate what we have enough. We don’t pay attention or take advantage of the opportunities we have to connect with loved ones. On the other hand, permanent indifference is something else. It reflects selfishness and great disinterest.

The carelessness so characteristic of indifference sometimes even culminates in disdain. This can lead to very painful situations, which in turn change our view of ourselves and thus affect the rest of our relationships.

In those cases where the consequence of indifference leads to the loss of our self-esteem and emotional health, we need to learn to give away our absence because our presence is not valued.


Don't run after anyone - woman hugs herself

Therefore, you must not resign yourself to not feeling valued  and neglected  . If you do this, you will end up “believing” that you are not worthy of society or reciprocity. Instead, you should keep in mind that you always need to realize your own worth first. 

The first step in taking care of the image you have of yourself is to assert yourself and emphasize that that person’s indifference should serve to affirm anything that solidifies your self-love and personal growth .

Do not forget to smile at yourself in the mirror, yourself  to love  and you  appreciate the, what you are and not what others want to project to you for that. Love yourself and realize that you shouldn’t give up just because someone is neglecting you.

Always surround yourself with the people who love to have you in their life, because those who do not love you are sure to make you suffer.

It is not good to give without receiving. Therefore, we should remember that the decision to stay with someone will always affect our health, our spiritual well-being, and the rest of our lives.

Don’t chase after someone who doesn’t love you. Otherwise you may pledge many years of your life in which there is no return ticket. And that has never paid off.

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