Detox In Just One Month With Lemon, Celery And Green Apple

If you get organically produced ingredients, you can even add the peel for even more benefits. Thanks to the fiber in celery and apples, you optimize the intestinal passage and help cleanse toxins

Detox in just a month with lemon, celery, and green apple

Use the change of seasons to detoxify your organism with three highly effective foods. Lemon, celery and apple promote the elimination of harmful substances that can build up in the body and lead to disease.

In today’s post, you will learn more about the wonderful properties of lemon, celery, and green apples. With this detox you will regain new energy and strengthen your immune system. At the same time, you can also lose weight more easily.

Read on to learn more about it.

Detox in autumn and spring

During the change of seasons, in autumn and spring, is the best time for a detox. Because the organism is more sensitive during this time and benefits particularly from cleansing and strengthening.

A detoxifying cure can prevent health problems and also facilitate weight loss. You will feel more vital and full of energy with it.

Detoxify yourself with healthy foods


In order to detoxify the body in a natural way, one can fall back on different possibilities:

  • Foods with properties that support the functioning of the liver, kidneys and intestines.
  • Medical nutritional supplements with detoxifying capabilities.
  • More water, natural juices or healthy drinks.
  • Natural therapies that help eliminate toxins.
  • Physical activity at an intensity that increases sweat production. 

Detox yourself in a simple way with the three medically effective foods that we will introduce in the following part.

The lemon

The lemon helps to eliminate  fluids and toxins from the body. In addition, it has regulating properties on the pH value and the digestive system.

In addition, the lemon supports the function of the liver and the gallbladder. At the same time, it also makes the work of the kidneys easier.

  • We recommend always using organically grown lemons. So you can also use the bowl and even eat it. Because the peel contains significantly more nutrients than the pulp.
  • Even if the peel has a bitter taste, you can use it grated in small amounts in juices, drinks, dressings, desserts, etc.

The celery

Celery is excellent for stimulating kidney functions. Liquids can also be diverted with it.

In addition , the vegetables improve bowel movements. In this way, it also supports the bowel functions.

However, it should not be forgotten that celery is rich in oxalates. People who are prone to kidney stones should therefore better avoid them.

The green apple


The apple is the third ingredient that we have chosen to detoxify our body. It is mainly about green apples.

This fruit is particularly well suited for the digestive system because:

  • Apples help remove puffiness.
  • They regulate the intestinal passage.
  • The apple supports the function of the liver. 
  • Apples help drain stored fluids.

Whenever possible, you should use organically grown apples, because this way you can safely eat the peel, which is particularly rich in nutrients.

A cleansing drink


To combine all the benefits of the three detoxifying foods, you can use them to prepare a delicious drink.

Ingredients for 1 person

  • 1 organically grown green apple with peel
  • 1 stalk of celery with leaves
  • Half a lemon (if organically produced with the peel)
  • 3 glasses (600 ml) of water.


  • First, grate some of the lemon peel. Then put these in the blender along with the pulp of the lemon, celery, apple and water.
  • Process everything well until a homogeneous drink is created. Nevertheless, it should be sieved to remove the fibers.
  • Finally, you can sweeten the drink with a little stevia, coconut sugar or xylitol.
  • If you want, you can also add a few ice cubes.

How do you take the drink?

Then use it on a detox for a month. This will give you an extra helping of energy and vitality. You can take the medically active drink in the following ways:

  • First a glass on an empty stomach, then immediately after getting up, at least half an hour before breakfast.
  • Then a glass half an hour before meals.
  • Finally a glass in the afternoon.

However, you should not take this drink in the evening to prevent the urge to urinate during the night.

You can do this regimen twice a year,  at the beginning of autumn and spring. In this way you can strengthen your immune system and reach your desired weight.

For this detoxification to be as effective as possible, don’t forget to maintain a balanced diet. This should be rich in fruits and vegetables.

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