Delicious Smoothie That Could Relieve Joint Pain

The ingredients for this smoothie have anti-inflammatory properties and can therefore relieve joint pain. However, it is only an addition to other measures against inflamed and sore joints.

Delicious smoothie that could relieve joint pain

Inflammation in tissues is a common condition that can affect many areas of the body. A tasty smoothie could help relieve symptoms.

Joints are particularly prone to this, as physical overexertion at work or other activities can lead to slight deformation. However, chronic diseases are the main cause of joint pain.

Rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis and gout are common diseases that lead to severe pain in the joints and reduced freedom of movement.

But sprains or other trauma  caused by an accident can also be responsible.

In addition to medical or pharmacological treatment, there are various natural ingredients that have pain relieving and anti-inflammatory properties and can be very helpful in relieving symptoms.

In today’s post we combine several of these ingredients. The result: a delicious smoothie that  tastes good at any time of the day and can bring relief. Try this recipe, you will love it!

Delicious smoothie with pineapple and cherry


A delicious smoothie is refreshing and can help with various ailments,  as it provides the organ with valuable essential nutrients.

Today we recommend a mixed drink made with pineapple and cherry and various spices such as turmeric, pepper and ginger, all of which are known for their anti-inflammatory properties.

A small amount of coconut oil is also used for this, which enables the organism to absorb the nutrients better and at the same time provides important antioxidants.

Advantages of the pineapple


In addition to being high in water, pineapples also contain bromelain, an enzyme known for its potent anti-inflammatory properties.

This ingredient is so effective that it even  helps relieve symptoms caused by osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

On the other hand, it also has a slight analgesic effect and is therefore perfect for relieving pain without irritating the stomach.

Benefits of cherries

Sour cherries have long been used as a remedy for various ailments associated with inflamed joints.

They contain important amounts of vitamins A and C that keep the cartilage healthy, which in turn protects the joints.

The anthocyanins it contains are powerful antioxidants that can  reduce inflammation.

Benefits of turmeric


Turmeric is one of the most popular anti-inflammatory agents in alternative medicine. The curcumin it contains has important health benefits.

In addition, turmeric provides antioxidants that  help prevent cell damage as well as counterbalancing the body’s inflammatory response. 

Benefits of ginger

The ginger root is also used to alleviate various joint ailments.

It contains the active ingredient gingerol,  which has analgesic properties and reduces inflammation. 

Another advantage of this sharp root is that it does not cause any side effects, unlike drugs with the same purpose.

Black Pepper Benefits

black pepper

Black pepper is one of the best ways to improve the bioavailability and effectiveness of the antioxidants found in turmeric.

This makes it easier to absorb this spice and  the anti-inflammatory substances work much better thanks to the piperine contained in the pepper.

A delicious smoothie with pineapple and cherry

Cherry smoothie

Now that you know all the benefits of each ingredient, it’s time to make this delicious smoothie so you can take advantage of it!


  • 1/2 ripe pineapple
  • 1/2 cup sour cherry juice (125 ml)
  • half a teaspoon turmeric powder (2.5 g)
  • 1/2 teaspoon grated ginger (2.5 g)
  • 1 pinch of black pepper
  • 1/2 teaspoon coconut oil (2.5 g)
  • 1/2 glass of water, optional (100 ml)


  • Peel and then cut the pineapple for easy processing.
  • Then put all the ingredients in the stand mixer or blender.
  • Then process everything until you have a homogeneous mixed drink.
  • You can then dilute this drink with a little water if you wish.
  • Then drink this smoothie immediately after making it.

Regular consumption of this healthy smoothie  can be very supportive to relieve joint pain. 

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