Cold Sores In Children And Their Treatment

Cold sores occur again and again in children. They are not serious, although they can still cause pain and discomfort. Read on below to find out which pharmacological and natural options are suitable for your treatment.

Cold sores in children and their treatment

The appearance of cold sores in children can be worrying at first. However, these lesions are benign and tend to go away on their own in a short period of time. At least that’s what an article published in the National Center for Biotechnology Information says.

As you may already know, the mouth is particularly susceptible to a variety of diseases. Mouth ulcers or cold sores are very common. It is estimated that they affect up to 85% of people. But how do you treat them in children? Read on to find out.

Cold sores in children

The appearance of cold sores has several factors to do with, but in children they are attributed to their habit of putting things by their mouth.

The inflammatory lesions begin as a white bump in the lining of the mouth that can lead to an oval or circular ulcer. While they are flat and clean, their bottom can be necrotic and of variable diameter.

Generally, cold sores appear on the lining of the cheek in children . But they can also affect the lips, tongue or gums. The disease is also more common in women than in men.

In addition, they can recur over time. In this case, a clinical picture is referred to as “recurrent aphthous stomatitis”. It manifests itself in single or multiple lesions of different sizes.

Lesions begin as a white bump in the lining of the mouth
Cold sores are usually not serious, but they do cause pain and general discomfort, which is why they should be treated.

Treatment of cold sores in children

Whether the lesion is isolated or due to “recurrent aphthous stomatitis,” it will usually go away on its own within about 7 days. However, cold sores can be painful and sometimes make it difficult to eat.

Because of this, people often wonder if there is anything they can do to speed up the healing process. In this regard, there are two therapeutic options: pharmacological and natural remedies. Both options are useful in relieving symptoms and avoiding possible complications.

Pharmacological treatment

With cold sores being such a common condition, it’s no wonder there are a wide range of medications out there to aid healing. Most are for external use – they target the affected area. Below are some of the options currently available:

  • Antiseptics, such as chlorhexidine gel or mouth rinse, attack the microorganisms that are causing the lesions.
  • Anti-inflammatory and topical corticoids enhance the effects of antiseptics.
  • Antibiotics may be needed if the oral infection is due to bacteria.

Systemic treatment with oral steroids is also a good idea in severe cases. However, the latter should be done under medical supervision and only if the cold sores are recurrent or overly symptomatic.

Treatment with natural remedies

Some natural remedies can also be used to treat cold sores in children. While not the first choice, they can be helpful in reducing inflammation and fighting existing infections. Ideally, they should naturally have anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties.

One of the most common alternatives is mouth rinsing with warm water and salt or baking soda. Repeat this process 2 to 3 times a day until you notice a significant improvement. Use just a pinch of salt or baking soda for the mixture, then dissolve the selected ingredient in half a glass of warm water. Be careful not to swallow the mixture.

Aloe vera is another ingredient that is commonly used for this purpose. The gel contained in the leaf has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties that promote relief. One drop is enough and it can be applied directly to the cold sore.

Aloe vera gel helps with cold sores
Popular literature suggests the use of aloe vera and claims that it promotes healing of cold sores in children.

How can you prevent cold sores from occurring in children?

It should be noted at this point that cold sores and “recurrent aphthous stomatitis” in most cases have no specific cause. These lesions can occur because of a genetic predisposition or because of any of the following situations:

  • Viral or bacterial infection
  • stress
  • Vitamin deficiency
  • Orthodontic treatment trauma
  • Hormonal changes

Preventing cold sores in children should focus on alleviating the above situations. The main thing is that the little ones maintain proper oral hygiene. Make sure you brush your teeth three times a day and use a mouthwash at least once a day.

Contact your dentist if you suspect the cold sores are due to orthodontic treatment, even if the symptoms go away on their own. Minors are also recommended to take vitamin supplements and foods with vitamin B.

Some of the foods that are high in vitamin B are as follows:

  • Leafy vegetables
  • fruit
  • Dairy products
  • Dried fruits and seeds
  • Eggs
  • Lean meat
  • Whole grain cereals

General considerations

Cold sores aren’t serious, but they can be quite a nuisance, especially with children. This is because they have to limit their daily meals as it can lead to general discomfort.

Finally, the treatments available focus on reducing inflammation, eliminating pain, and promoting proper healing. In addition, you can prevent these injuries with proper oral hygiene and appropriate aids.

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