Chia Water With Lemon For Weight Loss

Chia seeds contain valuable antioxidants and micronutrients that prevent premature aging and ensure elastic, firm skin.

Chia water with lemon for weight loss

Do you know chia water with lemon? It not only tastes refreshing, but also helps to cleanse the body and supplies the organism with valuable antioxidants. It also makes it easier for you to lose weight.

Chia seeds are fashionable and are used in many diets. They are available in health food stores or health food stores. They can do much more than promote weight loss.

Chia seeds have a nutty taste and contain numerous nutrients. In combination with lemon, they have excellent effects.

Do you want to know how to make this drink? At the bottom of the article we have the recipe.

The benefits of consuming chia water with lemon every day

Many use chia seeds for salads, yoghurt, smoothies or for baking bread. They taste pleasant and are characterized by numerous advantages:

  • Chia seeds contain 5 times as much calcium as milk.
  • They are richer in antioxidants like cranberries.
  • They contain 3 times as much iron as spinach.
  • Chia seeds contain more fiber than oats, for example.
  • They are rich in protein, which is why they are also loved by vegetarians.

We are preparing a drink with chia seeds and lemon here – a simple way of supplying the organism with many nutrients in the morning and losing weight at the same time.

Then we’ll explain why this combination is so healthy!

1. Provides a pleasant feeling of satiety and regulates appetite

Chia seeds contain fiber and help you lose weight

You probably know how important it is to start the day with a good breakfast. If you not only want to eat well, but are also trying to lose a few pounds, we recommend this drink with chia seeds and lemon on an empty stomach.

It has a filling effect and, together with a balanced and varied breakfast, helps you to hold out until lunch without consuming unhealthy snacks.

2. It supplies the organism with fluids and nutrients

Chia seeds contain valuable vegetable proteins and the lemon is rich in antioxidants and vitamin C. When combined, this makes an excellent means of providing lots of energy, healthy nutrients and fluids.

With enough fluids, headaches can be prevented, for example. The organs also need water to function optimally.

3. Against premature aging

Chia seeds against aging and for weight loss

Regular consumption of chia water with lemon helps in the fight against free radicals and protects against environmental pollution, tobacco smoke and UV rays, for example.

Chia seeds contain antioxidants and micronutrients that keep the skin firm and elastic and prevent premature aging, which is often promoted by fatigue and poor nutrition.

4. Aids digestion

Both the lemon and the chia seeds promote digestion and the absorption of nutrients in the large intestine. In this way, the vitamins and minerals get into the bloodstream more easily and in a healthy way.

5. Helps you lose weight

Chia water stimulates the metabolism

This will surely interest many: Both lemons and chia seeds contain a lot of fiber and natural antioxidants that promote weight loss:

  • They purify the organism,
  • promote the breakdown of adipose tissue,
  • have a diuretic effect and help with constipation.

As soon as the chia seeds come into contact with water, they increase their volume and therefore have a filling effect. They also promote digestion and the cleansing of the organism.

Recipe for chia water with lemon

Chia water with lemon for weight loss


  • 1 teaspoon chia seeds (5 g)
  • 1.5 glasses of water (300 ml)
  • 1 lemon
  • 1 tablespoon honey (25 g)
  • preparation


  • Soak the chia seeds in half a glass of water (100 ml) for an hour. So they become soft and form a kind of gelatin.
  • Then squeeze the lemon and mix the juice with a glass of water.
  • Now all you have to do is mix the soaked chia seeds with the lemon water. The best way to do this is to use the stand mixer and stir the honey at the same time. You will love this nutritious and healthy drink!
  • Don’t forget that this drink works best on an empty stomach. Not only can you use it to promote your health, but you can also lose weight more easily. Do you want to start right away?

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