Carrots Oranges Parsley Juice For Weight Loss

Even if this juice is rich in vitamins, it cannot replace a meal under any circumstances. It is only an addition, not a main course.

Carrots oranges parsley juice for weight loss

Natural juices and smoothies are becoming increasingly popular as they can help you lose weight without feeling hungry. Carrots oranges parsley juice will help you lose weight.

These juices contain only a few calories, but provide the organism with valuable vitamins, minerals and antioxidants as well as other nutrients that promote weight loss.

Today we would like to recommend a delicious juice with carrots, oranges and parsley, which can help you with your desire to lose weight.

The combination of these ingredients creates a potent antioxidant that also improves general health. Read on to find out more!

How does this carrot oranges parsley juice help you lose weight?

Both carrots and oranges provide important antioxidants that promote the elimination of harmful substances and thus reduce the accumulation of fat. We will then explain the advantages of the individual ingredients in more detail.

Properties of the carrot that will help you lose weight

carrot juice

The carrot is an important part of many weight loss diets because it contains valuable fiber, which has a digestive effect and removes harmful substances from the body. In addition, carrots have a filling effect and prevent the absorption of unnecessary calories.

Carrots have a strong cleansing effect: they activate digestive enzymes, which remove pollutants and free the body of residues. At the same time, carrots have a dehydrating effect as they stimulate kidney function and drain fluid deposits  through the urine.

They contain valuable  vitamins and minerals, are low in fat and calories, but rich in water. Since carrots have a thermogenic effect, they promote the organism’s ability to burn calories – this also makes it easier to lose weight.

It is also a vegetable with a low glycemic index and high levels of beta-carotene, vitamin A and potassium.

Properties of orange that help you lose weight


This delicious citrus fruit is very popular because of its vitamin C content, because it strengthens the immune system and helps prevent various diseases.

However, it also contains valuable antioxidants that promote cell regeneration, cardiovascular health and skin health.

With oranges you can lose weight in a healthy way, because they promote digestion, remove  pollutants and improve liver function. 

This fruit contains acids, antioxidants, and fiber that help metabolism work better as it increases calorie consumption. As a result, oranges also help you lose weight.

How is the juice prepared for weight loss?

Now that you know all the benefits of this delicious beverage, we’re going to show you how easy it is to make.


Orange and carrot juice
  • 2 oranges
  • 2 carrots
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)
  • 1 handful of parsley


Carrot and orange juice preparation
  • Step 1:  wash and cut the parsley.
  • Step 2:  cut the carrots.
  • And step 3: cut  the oranges in half.
  • Step 4:  press the orange halves.
Carrot and orange juice preparation
  • Step 5:  Put the carrots and parsley in the mixer or blender.
  • And step 6:  add the water and orange juice.
  • Step 7:  Blend for a few minutes until everything is well mixed and chopped up.
  • Step 8:  Serve fresh with a few ice cubes and drink immediately.

Do not forget…

This juice can support a weight loss diet, but it is not a magic bullet that can help you lose weight overnight. Drink this juice daily to speed up your metabolism and stimulate fat burning.

It’s best to drink a glass on an empty stomach to enhance the effects. You shouldn’t replace a main meal with this juice!

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