Bra: Good Or Bad For Your Health?

The use of a bra depends a lot on the size of the breasts, you should also take breaks so that the breasts can relax.

Brassiere: Good Or Bad For Health?

This is a very personal question: some women defend the brassiere with sword and rapier, others believe that it is only necessary for certain occasions, and make women see the bra as completely superfluous.

Today’s article is about this very question: is the bra good for your health or not?



Doctor Jean Denis Rouillon from the University of Franche-Comté has been studying the effects of bras for years.

In his studies, he analyzes, observes and measures breasts of voluntary women and also evaluates each woman’s individual experience with bras.

Some of the participants do without the brassiere on some occasions (for example during sport), others never wear it.

The study’s initial conclusions indicate  that women who do not wear bras have an average of 7 mm of nipple elevation per year. The reason for this? The breasts are stronger.

For some participants, the project of doing sports without a bra is no problem, some have no problems with it at work, at home or at a party. You have no pain at the end of the day, nor do you feel any pressure or uncomfortable feelings during the day.

The only negative is the reaction of other people, who often look at women without a bra in a funny way or also point out to them that they should wear a bra.

To avoid glances and comments , many women choose to use an underwire bra.

However, there is a group of women to whom the results of the study do not apply: These include everyone over 30 years of age, with large breasts or overweight and women who have been pregnant.

If one of these conditions is true, things are very different. During pregnancy, the breasts enlarge and the mammary glands decrease. In this case, a bra is recommended.

Myths and truths about wearing a bra

Bras are a relatively new invention, even if they have become an indispensable part of a woman’s everyday life.

Some myths and truths about this garment are:

“It is necessary to wear a bra”

Here, too, it is worth mentioning the study by Professor Rouillon. Because it suggests that wearing a bra could lead to stretch marks, sagging skin, and sagging breasts. 

A bra is therefore not absolutely necessary.

“Bras are necessary to counteract the law of gravity”

We don’t know what Isaac Newton would have to say on the subject, but most women believe that wearing a bra can prevent breasts from sagging over time.

In reality  , the bra limits the growth of the tissue that supports the breast. Therefore, bras have no anatomical or physiological advantages.

“Underwire bras are better”


It is true that an underwire brassiere nicely shapes and highlights the breasts. However, the opposite effects must also be taken into account.

Wearing bras with underwire or metal boning too often  can cause internal or external injuries.

“The bra is also worn at night”

Some women also wear a brassiere while sleeping because they fear the law of gravity or because they feel more comfortable with it lying on their stomach.

In the first case, it is clearly a myth because it does not prevent sagging breasts.

Whether you feel more comfortable with or without a bra at night is purely a matter of habit.

The  American Society of Plastic Surgeons  , according to microscopic bands keep the breasts in shape. As these get used to someone else doing their job (the bra),  they become weaker and the breasts are more likely to sag over time. 

“The bigger the breasts, the stricter the carrier”

It is much more important that the carriers are chosen according to the size and weight of the breasts when buying. With large breasts, the straps should be wider in order to distribute the weight better.

The stricter the straps, the less work the breast ligaments have. This means that if you don’t wear a bra, these will actually hang.

“The bra is necessary during sporting activities and during pregnancy”


That’s right, because during exercise or during pregnancy, the breasts are exposed to increased strain or larger than normal.

Of course, it’s best to choose the right model for every occasion. Don’t forget to take off your bra at night or after any exercise that makes you sweat.

We also recommend wearing a brassiere in the following situations:

  • Obesity
  • Big boobs
  • Women who are breastfeeding or are menopausal

By the way, you shouldn’t wear a bra for more than 7 to 8 hours a day. It is therefore advisable to take it off as soon as you get home.

This allows the breasts to relax and you reduce the risks. Remember, you shouldn’t wear a bra at night.

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