Abdominal Muscle Training For Those In A Hurry

If you want to do abdominal muscle training but don’t have time to go to a gym, you can train at home.

Abdominal muscle training for those in a hurry

An abdominal training that you exercise in your own home can be just as effective as the gym, but you will save precious time, because you’re training where you are. These exercises also work when traveling!

Abs workout wherever you are

For abdominal training you are not tied to a fixed location. You train with exercises that do not require any equipment and that theoretically work even in the smallest of spaces on the bed rugs of a hotel. Abdominal muscle training is also possible when you are out and about.

If you do the abdominal muscle training at home, you save yourself the trip to the gym, you are more likely to conquer your weaker self and can squeeze the training into every little time gap in your hectic everyday life.

It is best for a family member to make sure that you are actually doing the abs. The following exercises work well:

Abs workout

Forearm support

The forearm support is an exercise that trains many muscle groups at the same time and very effectively without the need for additional equipment. Quasi a “workout on a small scale”.

With the forearm support, the milder version of the push-ups, muscle groups in the arms, legs, shoulders, buttocks, back – and also the abdomen are trained.

The “straight abdominal muscle” is what many like to see as a “six-pack”. And it is precisely this muscle that benefits in the stomach when you do forearm support!

Advanced users try push-ups. Regardless of whether it is a push-up or forearm support – you should always make sure that your back remains straight and your knees are straight!

Abs workout outdoors

Abs workout with sit-ups

Who doesn’t know that from school sports? Abdominal muscle soreness guaranteed!

Put your feet under your bed or a closet, radiator, or step, lie on your back, and stand up with your back straight. Alternatively, you can bend your legs, which is easier.

Lift legs

This abdominal muscle workout sounds easy at first, but it has it all! Lie on your back and hold on to something with your hands above your head.

Your bed, wardrobe, dining table, sofa, TV armchair – you’ll find something! Then, with your back straight, lift your legs straight up and slowly lower them back down. Don’t get any momentum and don’t forget to breathe!

Woman doing abdominal training


Here the English term for “belly press” has established itself. Put your feet under your bed or a closet, lie on your back, and stand up with your back straight.

Alternatively, you can bend your legs, which is easier. Variations: Tap your left knee with your right elbow, put your upper body down and now tap your right knee with your left elbow.

Important notes on abdominal exercises

It is important that you do the abs workout regularly to get a training effect. It is best to choose a fixed time of day, for example in the evening, before you go to the bathroom.

Do not overdo it, but you should train every other day, otherwise your exertion is of little use.

The exercises are child’s play anywhere: at home in the bedroom or living room or when traveling in a hotel room, on the beach or while sunbathing on the lawn. You don’t need any accessories or devices and you don’t have to buy expensive sports equipment.

But please do not use the couch or bed for the exercises, the surface is too soft! A gymnastics or yoga mat is ideal, but you can also create an ideal surface on a wooden or tile floor with a folded wool blanket.

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